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Here's the way *I* see it..</head>

I Could Be Wrong But..

*~An Editorial-Type-Thing by Ki-chan~*

As most of you know, I'm a self-professed girl gamer, and damn proud to be one too! Well, I just read an article in some dinky women's 'zine about a mom and her little girl who decided to do something about the lack of girl interest in video games. "So what did they do, Kim?", you ask? Well, I wasn't surprised when I saw their big plan to get more girl gamers involved: Non-violent pink-pouty-lipped wimps wearing cutesy sun-dresses..that's their ideal character. *politely pukes off-camera* UGH! Why can't these dorks see that that's exactly the ideal most of us chicks are tryin' to get away from! UGH! (again for dramatic effect). Okay, okay, I admit, we gals don't get no respect *loosens her tie, a la Rodney Dangerfield*. In most games, namely RPG's, the girls seem to:
1.) Play a secondary role to that of a main male character
2.) Be a source of sexual pleasure to other male characters (some call it 'love'..*shrugs*)
3.) Not fight as well or have as cool weapons as her male counterparts, or be an ally more for her magic skills and damned cure spells than her brute strength (there are a *few* exceptions to this one i.e. Tifa, Terra, Lara Croft)
4.) Wear absolutely nothing or less (hey, if it makes it easier for those Mortal Kombat chicks to fight with those get-ups on, I guess it's okay). I don't necessarily think this is wrong, since their clothing usually rocks, but I think this definitely turns away girls from video games.
But on the other hand, I wouldn't change these gals one bit..I mean, Celes, Odessa, Rinoa, Lara (cleavage and all), Tifa, Sonya Blade, Shiva, Cammy, Ms. Pacman, even Peach..these are my kinda friends (pathetic, ain't it?). And anyway, the beauty of video games all comes from what you, the gamer, bring to the table yourself. When I play Suikoden, I'm no longer mild-mannered (!?) Kim, I'm the great Kizzah (*my* can't steal *MY* main character name, k?), trying to find the source of the evil in the corrupt Scarlet Moon Empire; and when I play The Legend of Zelda, I'm Link (okay, really, I'm Kizzah again ^_^), with only one thought in mind: stop Ganon, the wicked thief-turned-world-dominator; and yet again, in FFVII, I'm the brave mako-eyed youth, Cloud (Kizzah heh..), seeking the truth..the truth of everything. So, as you can see, role-playing games really include uh..well..PLAYING A ROLE, and so, like in any good book, do you only read/play when the main character has breasts? If so, you're really limiting yourself. While we're being realistic, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to play fighting games unless you can do a mid-air bicycle kick, and you can't play flight-sims without first showing your pilot's license to the guy at Babbages, or wield a gun in GoldenEye, before waiting 3 working days, so the gun dealer can run a background check. Let's get real here! After all, what IS the big difference between chicks and guys? Huh? *pause* Okay, just shaddup! I know THAT..I'm tryin' to speak metaphorically oy..*long, heavy sigh* Too many pervs come to my site..that's my whole problem I think..ah well..So, In conclusion, if you're a chick, you should really play more video games..if you already do, then I give you Ki-chan's *deep echoey voice* SEAL OF APPROVAL..Yay! And, last but not least, if you're not a chick, then you should still play vid games, but get your gal-pals to join ya! *wink* It'll be a chance to get a real, live girl in your bedroom..if you're so lucky to have your CP/PSX/64/NES/SNES/Sega/Saturn/Atari/DC/etc. there...and of course, with a GameBoy or GameGear, you could pretty much lure her wherever :)

Ki-chan Hokushin
Posted Tuesday, June 22, 1999

Btw, I toldja I wasn't a feminist, Hiddy-boo..*sly grin*

I wanna flyyyy awayyyy..yeaaahh yeaaahh yeaaahh