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The Cold War
The Story of Why Communists Don't Have a Lot of Snow Days

Truman was out playing in the snow and evil Stalin came out and he had a bunch of Communist evil guys in big parkas and they didn't have snowballs, they had iceballs, and then the evil snowmen from hell came out and they were riding on evil snowhorses and McCarthy came and started snapping everyone's elastic thingys that hold up their snow pants and he said that it wasn't the Communist guys who threw the snowballs cause they were over in Russia (in the evil Russian Bat Cave) and it was really the American wanna bes who were Communist who threw the ice balls and since it was really cold and it was war, brilliant historians have named this era the "Cold War".

~Just one of the many views, in a cumulative effort by Andi (Patron Person of Sluts and Pimps) and Kim (Goddess of Porn and Spam an everything in between), via a really silly phone convo whilst under the influence of Surge and a pending History essay due in less than 24 hours

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