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Odessa Hokushin
Spam Goddess and Wielder of the Paper-towel Bokken
Costume Khaki cargo pants, a dark blue tank top with spaghetti straps, platform loafers, and bright blue nail polish to match
Background In the aisle at a small grocery store, stocked full of all the varieties of spam, right next to shelf upon shelf of paper-towels
Music "Stars" by Hum (If you'd like to hear this, just ICQ me @ 26219086 and I'll hook you up with the mp3)
Style The Ancient Art of Spam Fu
Introduction Odessa walks into the arena confidently sticking her tongue out at her opponent, then, like the clutz she is, moronically trips over her own feet and falls flat on her face. She nonchalantly gets up, brushes herself off, and mumbles something about chicks always having to fight in high-heels.
Openings Puts her hands on her hips, leaning more onto her right foot, and giving her patented evil smirk >:)
Taunts Runs at her opponent and tweeks their nose
Crosses her arms in front of her chest and hmphs loudly
Poses Jumps up and down, alternating "Yay"s and "Huzzah"s
Puts one hand behind her head and smiles ^^
Perfect - Wiggles her eyebrows, arms crossed over her chest and says, "Dooooode.."
Draw Makes a pouty face and "steals" her opponent's nose, then jumps around and claims she just won the "Tie-Break Nose Challenge" [ -_-() ]
Time-out Loss Gives an exaggerated sigh and grumbles
Quotes "You SUCK!! And not in any sort of good way.."
"What a loser.." *makes a little L with her thumb and finger*
"Waaaaah..that HUUUURT!" *a la Usagi*
"I believe I left my spork in your ass..are ya gonna give it back, or should I 'probe'?"
Bugs Vs Jishian - constant "3-second" and "girly man" jokes.
Vs Merik - shouts "Ringworm" at odd times, causing him to drop to the ground in laughter, and giving herself a few free hits.
Vs Kioko - both forget about the match and go off, arm in arm, to get some waffles and slapjacks.
Vs Hidoshi - begs for cheesie poofs at odd times throughout the match. She continues to whine until he gives in to her demands and gives her cheezies, thus filling her health bar! Mwa ha!
Vs Kyo - melts because of his sexy accent and mauls him, not dealing any damage, then drags him (and his oh-so-appropriate innuendos) off-stage, smirking evilly as the match ends in a "draw". The audience exchanges wink, winks and nudge, nudges.

Odessa isn't necessarily strong, but can deal a good amount of attack damage, especially if you get her going on combos. She's quick and agile, and has decent special moves, which make her an "easy" character in all senses of the word..*grin*
