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~Mike and Carrie 4ever~

Welcome to Mike and Carrie 4ever!! This was just started so puleeze bear with us while we get things going. As you may have noticed, this page is dedicated to Carrie Brady Reed and Mike Horton..the best couple on Days of Our Lives. Hopefully they will be together soon!
Please visit our photo album of Mike and Carrie photos!!
This weeks Days of Our Lives Info-(upated 9/6/98)
Franco and Sami's wedding ended with a bang! When Franco refused to go along with Kate's plan of him calling off the wedding, she threatened to call in ISA. Knowing that would surely mean his death, he went for the fire poker and as he went to hit Kate over the head he was shot by someone. We don't know who yet. But when Austin told Sami about Franco cheating on her with Candy, she stormed out saying she was going to kill him. Was she serious? Wel'll know on Monday! Lucas got out of the house with Will safely, but Will insisted on having his Teddy, so Lucas went back inside, risking getting caught. Carrie and Mike danced 2gether at the wedding, and she said to him"being in your arms feels so right" How cute! Bo started to get his vision back and got his first glimpse of the Swamp Girl w/out mud and all glammed up. Is it really Hope? Even Bo isn't sure. Hope/Princess Gina is on the Empress Express with Mrs. Faversham to attend the art festival. Stefano is on the same train, going to the same place, but the 2 have'nt ran into each other yet.
That's it for now. Please check back often for the greatest updates!

And visit these other great Mike and Carrie pages! If you have a page you want added to this list, email us!!
Once Upon A Time..

Kim's Mike and Carrie Page

This page is made by Sleepybear and Thunderbird. To learn more about us please visit our homepages!
The Adorable World of Sleepybear

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Note that we intend to make no profit from this page and are in no way associated with Corday Productions, NBC, Days of Our Lives, Christie Clark, or Roark Chrichtow. Do not sure us, we are simply fans showing our support for Mike and Carrie. Thanks.
