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Well what trip, not all to plan unfortunately.

Both Christian and Veronika had colds and cancelled their flights to Jordan so I ended up going on my own, not a major problem.

Everything went well, flight to Amman, hire car from Avis (although their service is nothing like Avis in Europe), three hour drive to Aqaba, where I checked in to the Quidra Hotel Apartments.

On the following morning there was a strong southerly wind and the Jordanian Navy were not allowing any boats out, not surprising as the waves were crashing onto the shore ..... shit happens!

Unfortunately the southerly continued into Wednesday and I lost two days diving, when I was the only person diving and basically had the boat to myself.

On Day 3 the weather changed, slight breeze from the north, and off we set. First dive was my 1,000th and this was done on Cedar Pride, a wreck sunk as an artificial reef, nice viz too around 15M.

Second dive was on the 7 sisters and then on to the "Tank", an old M42 Duster anti-aircraft vehicle, and the third dive I used the 85mm lens and managed some interesting fish shots.

Day 4 and another disaster, the guy doing up my semi dry broke the inner zipper, so now I had a wet suit! Only managed two dives, second being on the Cedar Pride again, great wreck, and can't wait to come back again and dive it in better viz.

Temperature 22C and Viz about 15-20M

Cedar Pride where I did my 1,000th dive




Chromodoris quadricolour
