**********COPY THIS PAGE!!!!!************ ***Stark 1 - Beginner's Game for Space Empires III*** (Malfador Machinations' Diabolicly Good Game) Introduction: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The scenario you have just downloaded, Stark1.gam, is a 'first contact' situation. You, the only human player, are the leader of the UFP (we all know who they are). You have five planets completely settled, as well as several newly colonized. Your fleet of ships is growing, and on the move. A few have already begun exploring near-by star systems. You have considerable ship-building capacity thanks to several orbital construction yards. You even have a few mobile fleet tenders to expedite colonization. There are many ships pre-designed on the drawing- board. Already, two powerful combat ships are deployed, along with several support ships. In addition to these, you have small, cheap, scout ships in the vanguard of your exploration efforts. Efforts which have now led to a serious incident. Far away from your home systems, a lonely scout vessel has encountered an alien ship. Despite your expression of peaceful intentions, the aliens, known as the Kgnolam Empire, have rejected an offer of a non- aggression treaty. The alien ship met in the Carnak System is now preparing to fire upon your small scout craft. There is little doubt of the outcome. Set-Up: ~~~~~~ Thus it begins. You have a nice head start. Now it's up to you to complete the game. There are four computer opponents to defeat. Victory or death now await you. To play, simply unzip the file, Stark1.zip. The best way is to direct it right into the SaveGame file of your copy of Space Empires III. Otherwise, I'd suggest directing the file, Stark1.gam to a floppy (A:\) and then load it manually into the game. After openning Se3, just click LOAD and then open the file. It's that simple. Enjoy! For help or other information, feel free to contact me at MJ13@bigfoot.com. Be sure and visit my website often for new goodies to download. The URL is: http://www.angelfire.com/mi/serfsup/se3.html Be sure and also visit Malfador Machination's website for new versions and other updates. Their URL is: http://www.crl.com/~malfador Stark, your friendly game master. ***APPENDIXES*** I.) The Ships: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A vareity of ships and bases have been pre-designed for you. Some are already in production, others still on the drawing board. These ships are based on present available technology. As you develop new or improved systems, you can upgrade. First, go to Design on the toolbar and click on Ship Design. Highlight the ship you want upgraded and click on Copy. On the Ship Report display, highlight the systems to be exchanged and click on Replace. You will have to rename the class of the ship being upgraded. Also, you'll have to adjust the Combat Strategy for the new class. Follow the proceedure described on my FAQ webpage. You can upgrade older ships to be the same as the new designs. Just get them to a planet or yard facility. Then, right click on the old ship. A menu will appear, on which you left click on Modify, then click on Retrofit. It will take one or two turns to complete depending on how many systems were replaced. And now, on to a short description of the ships you do have; Scout Class: This is a small escort size ship, designed for defense and exploration. They are lightly armed, only a Point Defense Cannon (PDC). These ships are cheap and can be built quickly. Caine Class: This is a destroyer-sized mine sweeper. A handy ship to have when entering potentially hostile systems. Each ship can eliminate two mines with each pass through a minefield. This class is armed also with a Meson blaster and a PDC, plus sports a light shield generator. It's the perfect ship to provide escort to your task forces. This class can evetually be upgraded to sweep 5 mines. Sutter Class: This is a detsroyer-sized mine layer. It's not meant for task force duty, except to follow up and establish a mine field, preferably at warp points. Each Sutter can deploy two mines before needing to return to a base and load more. This class can eventually be upgraded to deploy as many as 6 mines. Yorktown Class: Front-line light cruiser. The backbone of the fleet. The York's are relatively inexpensive and likewise for building time. Their main armament is a class II Missile seeker. This nuke- tipped weapon will hunt down the ship it's programmed to hit. The Yorktowns also have a secondary battery of a Meson blaster, and a PDC. Sports a medium-power shield generator. Dauntless Class: Front-line light cruiser. Identical to the Yorktowns with one exception. The main weapon is a Plasma seeker. These are similar to Missile seekers, but are 20% faster. However, the plasma seekers degrade the farther they travel. You need to get close to use this weapon to it's full potential. Also has a Meson Blaster and a PDC. Likewise, they also have a medium-power shield generator. Fleet Tender: Mobile Yard ship, light-cruiser in size. This ship is designed for performing repairs and construction in deep space. In some cases, these are great to use for building colony ships directly over the planet intended to be settled. If you want to build a Defense Star Base at a warp point, these ships are a must. Also effective in repairing damaged ships where ever they may be. Enterprise Class: Front-line heavy cruiser. Superior defenses when compared with the light cruisers. Enterprise was designed with one Missile seeker, an Anti-Proton Gun, Meson Blaster, and a PDC. There was some debate at the Bureau of Naval Architecture about just arming her with two Missile seekers and a PDC. Hood Class: Front-line heavy cruiser. Identical with Enterprise except main weapon is a Plasma seeker. Spacedock I: Space Station-sized yard base. A bare-bones facility for constructing up to three ships (items) simultaneously. It has no shields or weapons. Star Fort: Space Station-sized defense base. Heavily shielded and armed, an economical design. Build one or more of these at one of your planets or at a warp point. Main weapons are three Missile seekers, plus multiple beam weapons and PDCs. Three shield generators plus plenty of armor plating. Colony Ships: You have a full selection, each designed for colonizing a planet with a specific atmosphere (or none at all). Bear in mind that these ships land and are no more once they establish a colony. Mayflower Class: A population carrying small transport. Each is equipped to carry up to 14 million people. They also have extensive medical facilities on board to deal with any planetary emergencies.