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Me and my daughter, Patty. This was probably my best moment. Walking up on Patty and she already had her deer dressed and dragging it back to camp. That was a proud moment. This was also my biggest buck. She has always been my fishing and hunting buddy.

Me and my son in law, Raymond. I think Raymond and I became best of friends right from the start. He has always been more my best friend and son than a son in law. Sometimes I don't know about me and him though. I think we were trying to clean out the forest that year. We always did do a pretty good job though.


This is my granddaughter, Randi. Not only is she named after me, she takes after me too. She's 9 years old and has already shot her first deer; a buck with 8 inch spikes. Ya gotta love it. This girl knows how to

Since Patty and Raymond moved back to Missouri I miss them terribly.




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