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As children bring their broken toys With tears for us to mend.
I brought my broken dreams to god, Because He was my friend.
But then instead of leaving Him In peace to work alone.
I hung around and tried to help With ways that were my own.
At last I snatched them back and cried. "How can you be so slow"
"My child," He said,"What could I do? You never did let go."

author unknown

When the problems looks too big Lord
And I feel much too small,
Help me to remember the assurance,
With which I'm Blessed,
That my job is to TRUST
your love for me.

When God seems far away,THINK!! Who has Moved??

"He who angers you, conquers you!"

"God creates. People rearrange."

Today I'll be faced with some lemons.
Can I make lemonade?

"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

Today is mine. It is unique. Nobody in the world
has one exactly like it. It holds the sum of all
my past experiences and all my future potential.
I can fill it with joyous memories or ruin it
with fruitless worry. If painful recollections of
the past come into my mind, Or frightening thoughts
of the future, I can put them away. They cannot
spoil today for me. It is mine.

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I said a prayer for you today and know God must
have heard, I felt the answer in my heart although
He spoke no word. I didn't ask for wealth or fame.
I knew you wouldn't mind. I asked Him to send
treasures of a far more lasting kind.

I asked that He'd be near you at the start of each
new day, to grant you health and blessings and friends
to share the way. I asked for happiness for you in all
things great and small, but it was for HIS loving
care I prayed for most of all.


The moment a Person say's I am a christian, he is taking a stand.
If he is going to assume the title, he must also be willing to
make a commitment to live a life that reflects that title.
If he wants to reap all blessings promised by our Lord, he must
be willing to live a life controlled by the Spirit of our Lord.
SO HOW IS YOUR LIFE? If you were arrested for being a Christian,
would you be convicted in court? Or would they even have enough
grounds to arrest you, much less convict you? Is your life being
controlled by the spirit of God--or by the other spirits that
inhabit this world? Do those around you who don't personally know
Jesus Christ have any inkling of who HE is by watching you?
And we're not just talking about the big things - We're talking
about the little things too. If a pay phone suddenly dumped ten
dollars worth of change into your hands, what would you do with it?
How many personal copies do you make on the copy machine at work
without paying for them? If you knew you could cheat on your income
tax and not get caught, would you do it? And how often do you talk
about other people in a way you wouldn't want repeated to them?



If you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it.

Whatsoever you do, do in the glory of God.

It is always too soon to quit.

Do you relize that as a Christian you have some talent to use for the Lord?

Isn't it true that the smallest package in this world is a man wrapped up in himself?

We ought to make every moment count, because it may be the last one.

Do you know that most people just live , with no reason for living?

Everything you do is the result of what you are.

God's love is centered in himself - not around what you do.

God's love is a constant love.

God never made a promise he couldn't keep.

Isn't the only sunshine that matters the smile of God?

Isn't it terrific that God customizes his salvation in order to reach each of us?

Is not the whole world filled with His glory?
"Go ye into all the world, "and"lo I am with you always?"

God has given you work to do in this world,
but has He not also said that He will see you through?

Isn't it wonderful to rest in what HE has done?


Some folks are like buzzards.
you don't see them in church unless a member is dead.

Some are like chameleons, changing colors with the crowd.

Many are like bugs,
who seek the darkness because their deeds are evil.

Still others are like snails; no backbone.

Some are like pigs; greedy to get all for self.

Others are like roosters; always crowing about something.

Some are like goats; always butting the other fellows.

Some are like porcupines; always needling somebody.

Some are like frogs; leaping from church to church.

Some are like gnats; nothing but pests.

Some are like bumble bees; they'll sting you every time.

Some are like donkeys; just plain stubborn.

Many are just like mules; the extent of their own
joy is shown by their long faces.

Some folks are like elephants; a long memory that always
remembers the wrong someone had done.

Some are like beavers....EAGER
Some are like ants....REAL WORKERS.
Some are like Canaries....SINGING ALONG LIFE'S WAY.

Then there are those who are just like sheep...


For this one hour I can be grateful.
I can thank God for life itself, for opportunities, for friends,
and for a hundred other blessings and privileges to be
counted,cherished and enjoyed.

For this one hour I can be cheerful.
Equipped with a smile, a song, and a sunny disposition.
I can transform the atmosphere, enrich my environment,
and brighten the day for others.

For this one hour I can be optimistic.
Striking a happy medium between the pessimist and the pollyanna.
I can realistically and confidently expect good
things to happen to me and through me.

For this one hour I can spend time in prayer.
I can pause to recharge my spiritual batteries,
renew my mental perspectives.
refresh my physical energies,
and replenish my faith in God and my fellowman.

For this one hour I can be unselfish.
I can take the Golden Rule off the shelf,dust it,unwrap it.
and put it to work in my thoughts,words and actions right now.

For this one hour I can look for the best in others.
It may take some diligent searching.patient seeking,
and careful screening,but I will work at it, even as I
want others to look for the best in me.

For this one hour I can help make someone happy.
I can do it through a word of encouragement or comfort,
or perhaps by a helping hand, an understanding touch,
an empathetic look, a telephone call, a letter, or a visit.

For this one hour I can be forgiving.
I can leave the lowlands of resentment,grudges and bitterness,
and rise to the highlands of understanding,love and forgiveness.

For this one hour I can be generous.
I can listen quitely and attentively when others want to talk.
I can look for opportunities to give a well-deserved
compliment to someone who needs it most.

For this one hour I can live in the present.
Now is the only time I have, and I can use this hour
wisely as a personal and precious gift from GOD.

My Favorite Friends

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
The Morris Messenger
Outreach For Jesus Ministries
vision's christian prayer line connection
