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Preperation for lambing season starts early at our farm. Infact it begins before the ewes are put in with the rams. They are wormed , vaccinated,and hooves trimmed . We want them as healthy as possible. The flock gets "flushed" by giving them a richer quality hay and grain. This should give a better ovulation.
We make sure that all the minerals are available free choice. As long as grazing permits they are free to browse in their pasture. As lambing time approaches we make sure that there are a few lambing pens set up along with each one having it's own heat lamp. When the ewe nears her time she is penned up so she can be alone with her lambs for the first few days. This gives her and the lambs time to know each other and gives us a chance to tag, band tails, and castrate. Some people wait until weaning time to do all the docking of tails and banding.. but we think it is less stressful to do it younger.

After a few days to 1 week mom and babies are cut out into another area where only ewes with lambs are. This helps prevent lamb injury by preventing lambs sucking on ewes that haven't lambed yet. Once all have lambed they are put back to their normal area. The ewes with lamb area has a special area called a "creep" area where only the lambs can fit through. A lamb starter pellet is kept in this area at all times. We also noticed that the lambs enjoy taking a nap in there. Most likely it is their way of avoiding the chaos that happens at chore time! The ewes seem to get very exicted at feeding time and this way they can get away and not get stepped on.

Weaning time makes for a noisy couple nights here! Around the clock they seem to talk constantly back and forth . But it soon ends. Whew! Most of the lambs here do not go through a "shrink week" because they have been eating lamb pellets since about the 1st week of age. We still get the occasional lamb or 2 that really miss mom and lose a little weight. They recover in a week or two and catch right back up to the other lambs.

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