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Course Description: Four (4) semester hours. (2 class hours; 2 two hour lab sessions per week). Morphology and physiology of bacteria; infections and immunity; growth, respiration and classification of bacteria and viruses. Laboratory includes differential staining, microchemical tests, and the isolation and identification of bacterial unknowns.

*Laboratory will include sensitivity testing of antibiotics against animal and human pathogenic genera. Veterinary Technology students will identify unknowns from a pool of organisms which include important pathogic genera found in animal infectious disease.

Required Text Book: MICROBIOLOGY an Introduction, Tortora, Funke, and Case, Sixth edition 1998, Benjamin Cummings Inc.

Lab Manual: Selected Exercises from Microbes in Action by Seeley and Van Demark


At the completion of the course the student should be able to:

1. Describe the composition and nature of the microbial world and its impact on human activities
2. Handle, stain, culture, and use biochemical tests to identify bacteria
3 Explain the processes of infection and immunity.
4. Demonstrate skills in the use of various laboratory equipment including, but not limited to, the autoclave, microscopes, colony counters, pH meters, and incubators.

TOPICS AND USEFUL LINKSAfter each topic there are light green links. Click them with your mouse for informed support material in each subject.
1. The Microbial World and The History of Microbiology.
Sponaneous Generation,   Essay on the life and times of Louis Pasteur

2. Chemical Principles.
The Chemistry of LifeBiological Molecules in 3-D

3. Procaryotic Cell Anatomy 
Outline of Bacterial Cell Components Procaryotic AnatomyCells Alive

4. Bacterial Metabolism (Special Emphasis on Enzymes).
Excellent Enzyme Site. Check it Out.

5. Bacterial Classification.
Neat Simple Mobile for Classification

6. Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens, including dermatophytes in animal pathology.

Animal dermatology 

Overview of Bacterial Groups

7.The Viruses.
Polio Virus Life CycleBasic Virus Structue ExplainedAll The Virus Information Sources in the World!

8. Interaction between Host and Microbe.
Host Defense Case Studies  ,  Mechanisms or Bacterial Pathogenicity  ,  Bacterial Pathogenicity CourseNonspecific Defense Mechanisms against InfectionThe Immune System with Links

Adenovirus                                        Escherishia coli (1500X)                                   Mosquito Vector
ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is required in the lab as lab exercises cannot be repeated. Attendance during examinations is mandatory except for bona fide cause. Makeup exams may be given at the discretion of the instructor.

OFFICE HOURS: The instructor will post office hours and will be available during those times. Students are encouraged to consult with the instructor during those times. The instructors schedule is posted on the Science Page.

DISABILITIES: If you have a disability that may interfere with your participation or
work in this course you may wish to contact your instructor (me) or Roseanne Dennerlein in the office of Student Development (738-6307) to arrange for accommodations.


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Professor E. Bollenbach updated for Spring, 2002