1. At the Windows program manager screen, double click on the Chemland icon.
2. The programs are divided into eight categories:
Tools and Reference
Basic Tasks
Atomic Structure
Molecular Structure and Bonding
Properties of Matter
3. To access a module, click on one of the category areas.
A list of individual programs becomes available.
4. To activate a module, click on the program name.
General Chemistry Computerized Instruction Lab.
Instructions: You will be using a program called Chemland developed at the University of Massachusets. The purpose of the exercise is to show you how some chemical experiments and calculations can be done on the computer. And also to see if you can come to some insights regarding the chemistry of the substances you will be working with on the computer.
You should work in groups of 3 or 4 as the program is only on 5 computers. Within each group be sure to let everyone run some of the experiments or calculations. We want everyone to have some experience on the computer.
Open Chemlab either by double clicking on the shortcut icon or by using the FIND selection of the START menu in the lower left hand corner. If you use FIND type in Chemland. Double click on the Chemland Icon when it comes up.
First select TOOLS AND REFERENCE, in Chemland. Select Molecular Weight and Weight Percent. Read the Instructions---you can print them out too!! Compose 4 legitimate molecules and find the molecular weight and the weight percents of each element within the formula. Write down your molecules and the weight percents.
Go to BASIC TASKS and choose Solution making. Pick 4 soluble
salts (make em up). Make 5M and 7M solutions of each of them in 150 ml
of solution. Record the masses and the procedure you would use to make
the solutions.
Under "PROPERTIES OF MATTER" get: Gas Law Experiment:
You have 3 variables you can alter in the Gas Law experiment: mass,
temperature, and pressure. Pick any gas on the menu. Pick any mass and
temperature. Record the gas you picked and the initial conditions (What
the mass and temperature are). For your experiment, double the mass of
the gas but keep constant the pressure and temperature. Record what happens.
Double the Mass of your gas. What happens?
Now double the pressure. What happens? Then, finally, do the same experiment as above with a different gas. What happened here? Does it behave in the same way and in the same proportion? Write up a conclusion to this experiment.
A Boltzman distribution is a pattern of molecular velocities (how fast large numbers of molecules are moving at different temperatures).
Pick a temperature on the sliding bar and pick a gas. Click Calculate. The graph shows you the velocity of a distribution of molecules at that temperature. Pick a gas with a smaller molecular weight but at the same temperature. Click Calculate. Explain these data. Confer among members of your group. Talk about it.
Click "Phases of the Elements". Which elements are solids, liquids and gases at 0oC and which are solids, liquids, or gases at 1000C?
Organize and write up your work. Submit it next week in Lab.
Prepared by E. Bollenbach 10/15/98