Vote NOW for Chris and Eve as a couple in the Cybersoap awards up until Monday Feb 26th. (Note: They'll probably never be together, but at least vote for the sake of what might've been)

A Tribute To John and Marlena

A Tribute To John and Marlena

My Favorite John and Marlena Links

My John and Marlena Story Page
My Picture Page (Coming Soon)
My Poll Page
Dustin's Page (Spoilers!!!)
Keep John and Marlena Together!!!!! (Lists of John and Marlena Campaigns)
John and Marlena History
Another Awesome John and Marlena Link
Eve's John and Marlena Page (a great page)
Another John and Marlena Page (This page is has just about everything you could want to know about John and Marlena!!!)
Beth's Days Page (A great page that has just about everything you'd want to know about Days
Movies About John and Marlena

My John and Marlena Discussion Board (Leave a message about the current storyline. See what others have to say about the reunion.)

This page was finally updated September 5th. (Sorry that it took so long) This page is going to go through major updates soon and I promise that it'll be well worth the wait. Also PLEASE sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of the page before you leave. IF you have any questions or comments on the current storyline, feel free to write about it in my guestbook or e-mail me. I'd love to hear from you. Thank you for stopping by

John and Marlena--Together At Last!!!

John and Marlena are my absolute favorite couple on Days. They have gone through so much to be together (e.g. her many kidnappings, John being almost executed in Paris, Roman returning from the dead, and Kristen's scheming). Thoughout all of their suffering, pain, and separations, these two have always found a way back into each other's hearts. They are truely Days supercouple!!!

Right now their love is stronger than ever and Stefano claims to know what will keep them apart forever. Many fans worry that John and Hope will be paired together, and it's up to all of us fans to say that's not what we want. John + Marlena = Perfection

This page is just started and under construction, but I promise that when it is completed it will be worth the wait.

By the way, this page is in no way associated with NBC, Days of Our Lives, or any of the actors. It's just my way of showing appreciation to my favorite Daytime Supercouple so please don't sue me!!!!!

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