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The Man From Remus

Hi, I'm the COLONEL!I love you ALL!

Hi, I'm the Colonel and welcome to my Bio page. Thank you for buying our CD's and promoting sovereign culture!

What I have to say here is of great importance to your fully getting to know myself and my way of life. In response to the many, many requests for more "personal" information about myself, I will begin with where it all began:

In the 1950's my father was a bounty hunter for the United States government. Daddy had the reputation of being a very cruel and heartless man when it came to his feelings for a fugitive on the run. While on an assignment, he quietly arrives in a small Michigan town called Remus to stake out a bail jumper from Georgia. Like so many times before he lies low, waiting for the right moment to claim his prize. And what a prize he would claim!

Now my mother at that time in the 1950's was a political dissident. She proudly stood up to defend the constitution and it's principles, and during that particular time period this made her a very dangerous individual. Ma was "hiding out" back in '57 in that small town of Remus herself, simply because of it's obscurity and tolerance of her political beliefs.

As the fate of God would have it, there just happened to be an NRA rally the weekend that these two were in town. It was there that my parents met and very soon fell in love. My daddy, already feeling that he needed to toss his governmental ties aside, did so soon thereafter and began a long and loving relationship with mother. After seven years of living together in sovereign bliss, my parents were considered married under common law. Later that following spring I was born.

Now from this bonding came a child that was schooled in the wisdom of our forefathers. Gaining knowledge of the government and it's role from both parents, I soon realized what was really happening with the big government of today. Not unlike my friend Jeremiah, I soon felt betrayed by the limitations by regulation put upon myself by MY government. I was forced to live my life as the government and it's agents wished I live it, and this made me very angry. With my upbringing I knew that I had a choice. I turned to my mother for guidance in this matter and she steered me to the path that would become the way I live my life today. Now, I have a love for our country that runs deep, so don't be misunderstandin' me. I only want today's society to realize that our forefathers envisioned us to live in a somewhat different way than we do. Why did the founding fathers choose to leave those western and central European countries to live here and create a new government in the first place? Within our site here you can see the many ways that we ourselves (the band) are over regulated, over taxed, over oppressed, and even censored! What would the visionaries think of this?!?

Oh what a glorious day it was when I finally met Cletus and Jeremiah at a rally in Lansing, Mi. that April back in 1996! They both share my vision, and I knew then that I had an opportunity to be a voice in promoting and continuing the culture set forth by our forefathers. I have even learned a lot from them, as the way they view our situation has helped me become a more informed sovereign American.

My legacy? To do my part informing Americans of their constitutional rights of sovereignty. I (nor any member of this band) will never promote violence in any form, and acts of this nature I consider cowardly. The militia movement and sovereign culture is not about violence, contrary to what you may have read! So just sit back, throw on a Militious-Redneck Roulette CD, and enjoy sovereign culture set to music. It is my life, it is my heart, and Remus is my home.