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RULE #2 Keep the upper hand!

RULE #3 Maintain control

RULE #4 DENY EVERYTHING! IE: "It wasn't me....!" "I have no recollection of that event!"

RULE #5 Let the other person THINK they're in control

RULE #6 Never go back....always go forward

RULE #7 Once you've crossed that line, make up your mind now....forward or STOP!

RULE #8 Remember, it's just a GOAL you set....nothing more


RULE #10 No matter how guilty you feel....KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

RULE #11 By now, you've told a friend...MAKE SURE THEY follow RULE #1!!!!!!!!!

RULE #12 If you want more, make sure it's worth the risk

RULE #13 Never teach!

RULE #14 Make sure they never get the best sex they've ever had (make them want it again)

RULE #15 Never depend on them to bring protection! (they won't)

RULE #16 One you turn down is one you don't get!

RULE #17 Fat ones need love too!

RULE #18 Never be ashamed of what you have (or in excess of what you have!)

RULE #19 Even if they tell you you're a lousy fuck....YOU STILL GOT LAID!!!

RULE #20 If you're looking to keep a weekly fuck, make sure it's someone you can trust


RULE #22 Married people don't talk

RULE #23 The ring doesn't plug the hole....just makes it tighter!

RULE #24 Married people make better lovers (refer to Rule #22 and #23)

RULE #25 Never fuck a co-worker! Bad carma!

RULE #26 If you do tag a co-worker.....BE GOOD!

RULE #27 There should be NOISE involved! (make 'em say your name!)

RULE #28 If they're playing hard to smooth

RULE #29 Keep sex to a minimum...foreplay is ALWAYS essential

RULE #30 Make 'em break a sweat!

RULE #31 NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! tell the woman she's FAT!

RULE #32 Never let them see that you want them more than they want you

RULE #33 Never get jealous of your lover's friends or of your friends messing with your lover

RULE #34 Always make sure this is what you want

RULE #35 If you are going to give up the foreplay make sure you keep them wanting more

RULE #36 Never leave sexually frustrated

RULE #37 Make sure everything works out all right for ya!

RULE #38 Refer back to Rule #27!

RULE #39 Make sure when calling out his/her name, it's the right one!

RULE #40 Don't flip the fuck out when your lover comes near you

RULE #41 Dump them before they dump you

RULE #42 Refer back to rule #27!

RULE #43 Make sure all evidence is disposed of PROPERLY

RULE #44 NEVER - -UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!- -say "I love you" (refer back to rule #9)

RULE #45 Eatin' ain't cheatin'!

RULE #46 Do not worry about your lover

RULE #47 Don't dwell

RULE #48 NEVER compare one lover to another one, and if you do...refer back to #1!!!!!!

RULE #49 Always make them come back to you, NEVER go after them

RULE #50 Never fall!!!

RULE #51 Sloppy seconds aren't always a bad idea

RULE #52 Multiple identities are a real good idea!

RULE #53 When in doubt claim that you were drunk

RULE #54 Get it in, get it off, get it out!

RULE #55 If they're too stupid to play the game, FUCK 'EM!

RULE #56 There's nothing wrong with a no strings attached ShA-bAnG

RULE #57 To impress them, try to remember the color of their eyes

RULE #58 Make lies small they're easier to remember

RULE #59 If ya have to use viagra, leave her alone

RULE #60 When leaving with someone at closing time, use someone's name that you hate

RULE #61 Never bring home a technique used out of the house

RULE #62 Remember that you're there for your pleasure only

RULE #63 Go home, lay down and SHUT UP!!!

RULE #64 Don't ever refuse an ugly one, they give it all they've got 'cuz they don't know when the next one is coming along

RULE #65 Never give out your real phone number

RULE #66 Don't tell him/her where you live

RULE #67 If there's a circle worn in his wallet, chances are he doesn't know what he's doing

RULE #68 If they ask you if you'll respect them in the morning, sleep passed NOON!

RULE #69 Cover your tracks

RULE #70 No matter what they tell you, alcohol DOES affect your performance

RULE #71 Refer back to Rule #52

RULE #72 Always wear underwear with no holes, you just never know when you're gonna get lucky

RULE #73 Holes in their underwear is just easier access

RULE #74 When going down on someone driving down the road, make sure there is enough clearance between you and the steering wheel

RULE #75 It's not the face you fuck, it's the fuck you face!

RULE #76 If you're not happy, they damn well better not be happy!

RULE #77 If you see someone going to the bathroom with a roll of quarters, somebody's in for a good time!

RULE #78 Never EVER pay an ugly one, no one is that desperate

RULE #79 Never mention tuna unless you're done and don't want anymore

RULE #80 If you start something in public, make sure no family members are present

RULE #81 Remember, lights out can mean ALOT!

RULE #82 If she bitches about the ribs, turn them inside out for your pleasure

RULE #83 Suckin' ain't fuckin'!

RULE #84 The ring comes off just as easy as it went on

RULE #85 If you don't come out of it with a few bruises and scratches, it wasn't worth it

RULE #86 As long as there's help on the other line, it's O.K.

RULE #87 If you can't fuck your friends, who can you fuck?

RULE #88 It ain't braggin' if you can prove it

RULE #89 Always check windows for footprints, headprints, handprints etc...

RULE #90 If you're gonna have an extramarrital, limit yourself to 1 daily, unless you're in the zone.

RULE #91 If you're in the zone, say what you have to say to get laid.

RULE #92 If you have to say "I love you", don't mean it! (RULE #9)

RULE #93 If you happen to break RULE #9 and your heart gets broken, fuck them, move on to your next notch for the bed post.

Rules for WOMEN
New FDA Warnings on Alcohol
Things You Will Never Hear A Woman Say
If you have any more RULES for me, I'll be happy to post them. Just e-mail me

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