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Model Center News

to all model car lovers there's more to come this year and more new merchandice.DaMenace and Griss is just keeping it real and plus keeping them hoppin and bounce'n.

When you have a LINDBER 64' HOPPER to add more hop cut the battery supply and use a 7.2v battery supply.

TINTING WINDOWS you can tint windows without painting them by using 35mm film.

TO be first in a show judges look for many things such how much time spent on a model, doors and trunk opening ,detail and paint job,plus interior. If you have all that tight you are bound to win.

GIVE YOUR MODEL A WAXED LOOK you will need a wide paint brush and floor wax . First brush the entire body of your model with the wax then after it dries try this method again in three or four days you car will have a tight shine .If you mess up you strip wax with a sponge on warm water and dish soap.

HOW TO MAKE CHROME INTO GOLD to do thisall you need is a clearyellow paint and a clear orange paint,mixing jar and paint brush . Fist mix 85% clear yellow and 15% clear orange in the mixing jar and stir it together .Next dip your paint brush into the jar and brush lightly over the chrome part.Then your your part will become 14k before your eyes. Back

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