Thanks for stopping by

June 1999

A complaint was made that there wasn't enough info about me on this page. To be honest, I just put this here because it is easier than sending my picture everywhere. But if you want more info, here goes...
- I was born May 12, 1969
- I was adopted at birth and have found my birthmother
- I am an IT student studying networking - Graduate in May 2002
- I have three children of my own - all girls 4, 7, and 9 years old
- I homeschool my 7yo. The other two started public school 11-5-01
- I am passionate about the Detroit Lions

For more information than you could ever care to know about me, you can check out my OD Archive. It is still "under construction" so some of the links won't work.

I have several pages of pictures, randomly thrown together, for those who are interested.

March 2001
Gallery - random girl pics
Gallery 2 - My youngest
Gallery 3 - more random girl pics
Gallery 4 - July 2001
2001 Portraits of the Girls
Anything else you want to know, ask.