But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay,
and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.
Isaih 64:8

            Greetings,my name is Chris, however on the WWW most know me as "momof9". I was born and raised in Michigan. 19 years ago this September I made the most important decision of my life...I trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior... On that day He delivered me from the bondage of drugs, drug dealing, rock-n-roll, a lying tongue, and to many other things to mention here. But Praise God he created in me a new creature..Old things were passed away...behold all things became new...I was raised in a Catholic home, where I learned the knowledge of God but never the salvation of God....I remember one dark night when only 12 that I cried out and told Him how sorry I was that Jesus had to die that terrible death...I knew that He did that for me but I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with that guilt...never once was I taught from that time till I stopped going to church after graduating from school, that it wasn’t enough just to believe "in" Him but that I needed to believe "on" Him.

            By the time I turned 18 I felt fully justified in the comfort that God loved me and that Jesus died for the world..and that because I was a Catholic and baptized as a child..I had it made...I went about life with a carefree "me-me" attitude.

             At 19 I married my "forever" sweetheart who grew up in my neighborhood...from the day he walked me home after my last day of 8th grade I knew he was the one for me...At 21 we were blessed with a wonderful son and then 3 years later a girl...all this time being involved with the "party life"...Not only were drugs a factor, but my husband was an alcoholic as well...But I am reminded here...

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phil. 4:8

            Because of this verse I would like to jump to the good part...I came home one night and my Husband said "Chris I did something tonight that I have never done before" I was afraid to ask what that might be, seeing that I thought we had pretty much "done it all" Well I was shocked when he said "I prayed" I'm like..."you what"? He was tired of the life, I was tired of the life...It was that night that I found out that as a child he had trusted his life to Christ...I knew that his mother was a Baptist and that as a child he had gone to church...but because we were so far removed from spiritual things, I never knew what he was taught. That night he told me he wanted to go to church next Sunday...going to my church was out of the question I told him because I couldn’t remember one thing that I learned there that would change our lives. We decided then that we would go to the Baptist church up the corner. But we would not do anything when they asked people to raise their hands..we would wait and talk about that later..not knowing what he meant about raising hands for salvation..I was more than ready to agree..SMILES

            I can't tell you how apprehensive I was that morning...this was all so new to me...But when that preacher opened the Bible and spoke about the Lord I couldn’t get enough...And God knew I was there because the message was for me, all for me...time came for an invatation..for those who wanted to accept Christ into their lives..their hearts..A full surrender to him..All I could think of was FREEDOM from the life I had come to hate so much. I looked at my husband and he at me and we both remembered the promise we made...wait to talk about it. His mom leaned over..knowing the struggle we were having and said "your putting the cart before the horse"...She was so right..we felt that we were not worthy to go up there..so much sin in our lives..terrible things we were involved in..so much to clean up before we could make that decision..we got up, went forward, and there was a Godly woman there who took the King James Bible and that prayed with me and a man with my husband...We went home and knew that things had to change, garbage to get rid of..It didn’t happen all at once..but in time God Cleaned us up..Straightened us out..Gave us real friends..Put a song in our mouths..Joy in our hearts..And a desire to live for Him.

             We have been in church everyday that the doors are open since that time..have never regretted it for a moment..

            What we thought was the perfect family..ie:a boy and a girl..has grown now to a group of 9, 5 girls and 4 boys. They are the joy of my life and the result of an obedience to God..He is in control of our lives..His will be done..Has to be folks..We make such a mess of things...

            Our youngest Joshua (5) just this year asked the Lord to save him, so now all our children are in the 'ark" as my husband likes to say ..Praise Him From Whom All Blessings Flow Not only has God blessed me with our children..but spiritual children as well..(others I have been able to lead to Christ) what a joy it has been to lead others to Him over the years..

            I couldnt have asked for a better life..A husband who loves the Lord (however: not the puter..sigh)..Children who are desiring to live for Him..A King James Bible, my love letter from Him, without error..a perfect guidebook..A perfect Savior, willing to die for me and me alone...FOLKS, THIS IS THE LIFE..THE ONLY LIFE

Do you "KNOW" Him? or just "OF" Him? Do you believe "ON" Him or "IN" Him?

..behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Cor. 6:2


Once Saved Always Saved


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