Jokes Jokes Jokes!
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Jokes Jokes Jokes!

Jokes Jokes Jokes!

Hello! My name is Laka.

Do you like good jokes but can't find any that have not been passed around your school at least three times already? Do you have lots of good jokes but none of your friends want to listen? This page is designed for anyone who answered "yes" to any of the above questions. What I do is this: if you have a good joke (or jokes) then e-mail them to me. My adress is If I like it, I will print it on my top ten list. If I don't use your joke right away, I may use it later.

I accept no jokes containing racial or religious insults or slurs, no matter how mild. This page is for fun, not prejudice.

Here is my top ten list:

1 Why should you never swim on a full stomach? Because it's easier to swim in water!

2 What do you get when you cross a math teacher and a crab? Snappy answers!

3 How do you make a hippo float? Two scoops of ice cram, some root-beer, and a hippo.

4 How is music like ice skating? If you don't "C sharp" you'll "B flat."

5 What would you get if you crossed a cocker spaniel, a French poodle, and a ghost? A cocker-poodle-boo!

6 What's the difference between a teacher and a train? A teacher says,"Spit out that gum right now," and a train sais," Chew, chew, chew!"

7 What did Geoge Wasington say to his men before crossing the Deleware? "Get in the boat."

8 Why did the rooster cross the road? Because it was the chicken's day off.

9 Why did the gum cross the road? Because it was stuck to the chicken's foot.

10. There are three kinds of kids on the internet: those who can count, and those who can't.
