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Okay People! This is my Rumors page. I know that some people don't like rumors, but I personally don't mind them. If you do have a problem with them please leave this page right now. If there are any offensive rumors then please don't send my nasty hate e-mail. Put it in the guestbook or something! Ha ha ha! Anyway, please remember that these are only RUMORS!!! They probably aren't true. If you have any new rumors for me, please e-mail me with them! I have a new e-mail. It is You can send e-mail to either address but, that is my new one. Now...ON WITH THE RUMORS!!!!!

The BSB is come out with a movie! (Let's hope it's nothing like Spice World!) Here's the poster!





I heard Nick was a real jerk:

He starting laughing at a girl that was fat.

He threw an autograph book at someone who asked him to sign it.

Now, here's the really bad part-

A little handicapped girl saw him backstage and he came up to her and said Happy birthday and saw the sight of two gorgeous girls and ran off, then when the girl had to leave she said, "Nick! Nick!" when she saw him, and he pretended not to hear her, then she looked at him and said "Oh. Ok. Well, Bye."

A.J. says...

"Our crew was trying stuff on us." (Like Jokes.) "We did the song 'Boys Will Be Boys' where we're supposed to dance with our mikestands. They put carrots on our mikestands! I didn't know what it was and I couldn't stop laughing!"

AJ's girlfriend's name is actually Amanda (18), it's written/published in a magazine, US Magazine where there's an article of them in it! GO GET IT!!! Jennifer Anistan's on the cover. Here is the 411 on her: 18 year old Amanda Latona always relished any opportunity to perform and had already landed several professional acting and singing jobs while in high school. *Prior to her involvement with Innosense, Amanda's incredible vocal skills earned her a spot in an a cappella group known as The Hollywood Hi-Tones which performed daily at Universal Studios in Florida.* In addition, she has won several pagaent titles including the coveted Miss Junior Florida. Here is the pic of her:

-Brian's girlfiend is definitely the girl he was with in INBYH. Her name is Sonya, she's 23, and she's from the West Coast. She has been going out with Brian for over a year now coz Hitlist saw them together and I've seen pics with them together too!!

B-Rok's girlfriends name might also be Mandy Clarke.

-I have been told from a very reliable source that Nick has a girlfriend and has been going out with her for 6 months now.

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