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Messiah Of The Month

Between the gods of Thunder and the daemons of fire, there lurks a village, blind to the human eye. A village that not only leads to eternal life, but that can be on escape from purgatory.

Here, divine creatures of the dark preach on equal word. Although different in mind and soul, the word is the same.

Through months of Armageddon (or chaos to the uneducated), we will be visited by Messiah's of this dark battalion and thus creating a world of sheer and utter....well, let's just say we will find out in the months to come.

This Months Messiah Is The Man Know As

The Undertaker

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 328 pounds

From: Death Valley

Favorite Quote: "Rest in Peace!"

Finishing Move: Tombstone Piledriver

Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Champion (2),

Tag Team Champion

There is no denying that the Undertaker may be the most awesome presence the World Wrestling Federation has ever seen. The Man from the Dark Side has taken on a darker edge. As the Lord of Darkness, he heads the Ministry, a group that includes the Acolytes Midian, the man once known as Dennis Knight, Viscera--formerly known as Mabel, and The Brood, consisting of Gangrel,Edge, and Christian.

The Undertaker has been a haunting force since he entered the Federation at the 1989 Survivor Series. He has since transformed into a frightening force. He promises his Ministry will grow in numbers in the future. Those who resist, he says, will become his victims. Thus making The Undertaker, The Messiah Of The Month.

You will find out who the next Messiah Of The Month is on Feb 28/99.

Undertaker Pics