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News 2005

May 14, 2005

I will soon turn 56 years of age (on the 16th). It has always amazed me to think how old I used to think that is! But not anymore. I still study Japanese almost daily, still strive to live for God, and still feel totally inadequate for wanting to do all that I desire to do! I know that God led Moses, and he started his major work at 80 years of age, so maybe there is still time for me to do a little more in what God has called us to do. I thank God for good health thus far and pray that I may be able to glorify Him in whatever work I can do from here on!
I visited Bro. Aoki the other day. He is continuing to improve but has caught a cold, so he may not get out of the hospital this weekend. I will be preaching for him tomorrow. It will be good to get him back soon however! He is a wonderful friend and minister of the gospel. Keep him in your prayers.

May 17, 2005

Yesterday (Monday) was my day off for farming (I would not call it farming, but I did at least plant something). I think someone must have been planting rocks beside my garage for years for there to be that many to deal with. Everything I planted will probably die but within ten years I will get rid of most of the rocks!

So much for farming. To get back to my Sunday morning thread (I was overwhelmed by all my faithful readers missing me yesterday), I want to give another reason why I love Japan! Early Sunday morning I was watching a fishing program on the TV. It was exciting to see this guy go fishing for a really BIG fish (Moroko)that can get up to 50 Kg. The program showed him fishing for three days. I just knew they would not waste so much film if he did not catch anything. I watched him in his misery until I even felt miserable (having vast experience myself under similar circumstances).

It was on his third day that the expectations really went up. Then the show was over! He did not catch anything but an eel, which was really gross looking.

That is what I like about Japan! You can fail and they still put you on tape. I always felt like I should have been born here. They did not chide him. If he was in America they would have mentioned his failure was because of his politics or something. Or even worse, someone would have sent him a series of books on joining "The Emerging Fisherman" (or the older copies of "The Purpose Driven Fisherman"). Here, he was still able to keep his stature as a fisherman and live to tape another show. I love it.

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