Mike and Nik's Movie Ratings

Mike and Nik's Movie Ratings

Way back, when we started this page, we actually wrote a review for every movie we posted, but that was far too time consuming and we quickly fell behind. So we changed the reviews to ratings. Sadly we again failed to keep the list updated. However, with a new determination we have begun again. We have doubled our previous list, and hope to add at least 5 titles a week. So, we hope that you will enjoy browsing through the archive, and if you do, please let us know.
Nikola: nbcouling@email.com Mike: mcouling@yahoo.com
Ratings are out of five stars: = one star = half a star
For more information on any movie (including: synopsis, cast, running time, what book it was based on, other movies by the same director, how much money it made, etc.) click the link labeled "more". However, we feel it is necessary to warn you that any views or opinions expressed in the reviews reached through these links, most likely do not reflect the opinions of Mike and Nikola.

Movie Ratings Index





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