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Advanced Camp

The advanced course is the final two years of the ROTC program. The curriculum is more intense and prepares you for the challenges of military leadership. In order to enter the advanced course you must have completed one of the following:

  1. The Basic Course (Taken Military Science 120, 121, 220, and 221)
  2. Camp Challenge (6-week basic leadership training at Ft. Knox, Kentucky)
  3. Basic Training (Regular Army Basic Training)

During your junior year you will be trained in small unit tactics and learn the duties and responsibilities of a squad and platoon leader. This phase of training is combined with classroom instruction on land navigation, military tactics, and how to prepare and present operation orders. Physical training is also and important aspect of the advanced course. The main objective is to prepare you to attend Advanced Camp between your junior and senior year. This camp is a paid six week training session ,giving you the opportunity to practice everything you have learned, including how to lead. 

Your senior year will put you into cadet leadership positions which will challenge your leadership abilities and prepare you to become a second lieutenant. Here you will be responsible for the training and evaluation of younger cadets. These challenges are intended to prepare you for service in the U.S. Army, either as a reserve or active duty officer.

