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The Wander This World Tour:

I very much enjoyed my *Jonny Experience* if you could call it that! I went to Jonny's concert on March 4th, 1999 in Detroit at the State Theater, and I must say that he rocked! The opening act, Chris Whitley was HORRIBLE beyond words and I can't believe that Jonny "hand picked him." I loved every minute of the concert, but here's a few of the highlights:

When Jonny opened up rockin' with "Still Rainin'"

When he played "Second guessing" my FAVORITE song!

When he played "Leaving to Stay," because he sounded like an angel and the lighting helped that illusion.

When talking about Chris Whitley he said "I'm trying to think of something profound to say" and then he just started playing the guitar (very profound- if you ask me)

When he finally took the rose this girl had been holding up for the entire concert and then he dedicated the next song to her (awww) although I was saying how I would give him a WHOLE flower shop if he dedicated a song to me!

When he threw his guitar pick at me! (or so I think) but he didn't throw it far enough, I was in the balcony.

The fact that I was so engrossed in the concert that I didn't notice that the two people next to me were using a certain illegal substance, I was totally oblivious! I only noticed at the end when my dad told me about it (YES I went to the concert with my dad!)


*=encore; These are in NO particular order, I can't remember the order in which he played them!

From "Wander This World"

"Still Rainin'"; "Second Guessing"; "I am"; "Breakin' Me"*; "Wander this World"*; "Walking Away"; "The Levee"; "Right Back"; "Leaving to Stay"

From "Lie to Me":

"Lie To Me"*; "Rack 'em Up"; "Good Morning Little School Girl"; "A Quitter Never Wins"


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