Ivan the T-rex

Ivan the T-rex

T.rex skeleton Ivan skeleton cast replica: 40ft long

Ivan the Terrible T.rex

Now available for sale Ivan the T-rex skeleton cast replica.

This skeleton measures 40 ft long by 12 ft high at the hip.

Complete T-rex skeleton cast fully assembled $85,000

Complete T.rex skeleton cast: Unassembled skeleton also available - please inquire.

Production time for this skeleton varies. Please contact us.

Custom mounted to your specifications.

This skeleton was molded from the original skeleton now on display at The Museum of World Treasures in Wichita, Kansas, United States.

Ivan the T. rex was discovered by Alan Komrosky in 2007. An amazing 65% of this giant Tyrannosaurus Rex was recovered. When it was found, Ivan had the most complete tail of any T. rex, with only three vertebrae missing.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more information or photos.

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Ivan the T.Rex

The following information is copied from the "Museum of World Treasures"

If you have heard anything about our Museum, you've probably heard about Ivan, the T.Rex! The Museum of World Treasures is thrilled to showcase one of the most complete T.Rex dinosaurs on display in the world. Have you been in to see him?

The Museum of World Treasures formally dedicated Ivan, one of the most complete T. rex discoveries ever made, on Saturday, May 12, 2007. Ivan was uncovered in northwestern South Dakota near the confluence of the Little Missouri River and Box Elder Creek and is said to have been only five feet underground. The dinosaur is scientifically significant for both the quality of the bone composition, as well as the unusually high percentage of skeletal structure uncovered.

The most significant of T.Rex discoveries include Sue (roughly 80% complete and housed at the Field Museum in Chicago), Stan (roughly 70% complete and housed at the Black Hills Institute) and now Ivan, who is approximately 60-70% complete and housed at the Museum of World Treasures! Ivan is approximately 40 feet from nose to tip of tail and 12 feet tall at the hip.

Ivan was discovered by Hell Creek Relics, a privately owned, professional paleontology company operated by partners Alan G. Komrosky and Gary Olsen of North Dakota.

[The original fossil skeleton of] Ivan is now on permanent loan and display, with the museum holding an option to purchase him in the event such an opportunity becomes available.

"We are incredibly humbled by the opportunity to present such an important discovery to the Wichita community," stated Mike Noller, President and CEO of the museum. "We look forward to Ivan having a positive impact on tourism for Wichita and Kansas." Monday, April 29, 2013,

You can purchase cast replicas of Ivan the T-rex by calling (314) 556-0650 or by emailing us at ivanthetrex@yahoo.com

Please note we are not associated with the Museum of World Treasures.

Ivan the T.rex

Email: ivanthetrex@yahoo.com