Here is where you will find valuable information on what is happening with the Wings. This will be updated as regularly as humanly possible. If you hear of some juicy gossip, or I leave something out, please email me!
If you have any kind of reaction to these updates below, remember I post your commemnts in WOO-HA..a fan's perspective. Email them to me, or leave them in the guestbook for posting.

On to an 8-game winning streak! The Wings beat Vancouver 6-1. Woo-hoo!
The Wings beat L.A. 2-1 ~unstoppable~
The wings beat Philadelphia 3-2 in OT!
WINGS GET CHELIOS, CLARK, SAMUELSON, AND RANFORD!!! Traded for Anders Erikkson, and some 1st and second round draft picks-- we are unstoppable now!!!
3/11- Gee...skip a few months- wings lose to L.A. Kings, 4-2. Igor Larionov had both goals for the Wings.
12/3- SORRY! I fell kinda behind......The Winsg lose to Colorada (ugh.. I hate to say it) 4-2, With surprisingly no fights. Stevie and Nickie Lidstrom had goals for the Wings.
11/2- the Wings drop another crappy game to the Calgary Flamers, ...I mean, Flames. The final score was 5-2.
10/31- A scary Halloween rematch occured Saturday night for the Wings as Dallas beat them 3-2, with the gruesome Brett Hull having a 2 goal night as the Star's shots on goal haunted Chris Osgood.

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