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Me, Me, and More Me

Helooooooooooo, la la la!! hahaha ain't that funny!! : ) hey I figured I should change my intro thing so I am, sooooooo please just click on the,links below, and if ne one has ICQ My # is 38504024 so find me or whatever.Oooooooh yeah please take like 2 minutes to sign my guestbook Please I feel special when people sign it!Thank u very much!Oh yea i forgot 2 say STABBING WESTWARD KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i luvvvvvvvvv them, CHRIS IS SEXY!! If neone likes stabbing westward email me!!!!AHEM AHEM, and sign the guestbook!!!!please!!!!!!!!!I'M BEGGING U ^!!!

~+*LaSt uPdaTed oN aUgUSt 16, 1999 aT 12:30am*+~

Click On One of the Thingy's Okay?!!

u like the blinking don't u..........................heehee :)

~+*::The Corpses Dance::*+~
- It's my best-friend's page and I hope you visit it! And sign her guestbook or she'll get really grouchy.

Pictures -Pics of me and people,UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
- I love their music I saw them in September 98' and I saw them again on March.19.99 at The Warehouse Downtown Toronto, It wuz thee best!!!Hey look at this funky thing : $+@bb!/\/G \/\/E$T\/\/@RD: Cool eh!!!!hehe

My good Ol' Guestbook-Hey u over there, take some time to sign my guestbook,Please Please Please!!!!

All about me-Click on this if u wanna know who invented this crappy-ass web page!*WARNING* this is long so I WOULDN'T personally read all this shit on here, actually.......hmmmmm I WANT U 2, Go Ahead and read ALL!!!!

Cool People- People that I think are cool,i need more pics on here, DON'T WORRY they will come!!!. *Made by my friend, Kristiina*. UPDATED!

Review on Vans Warped Tour-heyyyyyyy, Yo u gotta check this out!!

Placebo's Brian Molko and David Bowie performing live at the Brit Awards '99. I love them soooooooo much now, I didn't before but now their cool:). I saw them on March.19.99 also they played good!!!

email 'da funkadelic webmistress:
email her oBseSSiVe and PsYchotiC accomplice:

This page was created by Mitra and is maintained by Mitra and sometimes Kristiina. All content (i.e.-text, images) are mine and solely mine. If you wish to use any of this stuff, email either Kristiina or me and ask. If you're nice, we may just let you. Other than that, have a nice day :)Laa Laa laa!