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I'm sorry- Were you trying to communicate?

The Internet has given thousands and thousands of people the opportunity to sit down at a keyboard and tell the world what's on their minds.

Too bad so many come off as COMPLETE IDIOTS because they haven't written a sentence since Miss Stanley's class in elementary school! Writing, to me, is the ultimate demonstration of the care and feeding you give your mind. The way people present their ideas on paper shows how serious they are about their subject and how much credibility they deserve. I'll show this with a short demonstration. Here are the previous sentences again, only this time with some "modifications" I have found all-too-often in emails and websites:

Writing to me is the ultimite demonstration on the care and feeding you gave you're mind and the way people present there idea's on paper shows how serious they are about there subject and how much credibility they desserve.

If you read that sentence and simply shrugged your shoulders, one of the following might pertain to you:

1) Turn on the monitor. It's alot easier to surf the WWW that way.
2) Please try to behave during recess, and stay away from those adult websites.
3) Dude, it's not cool to email when you're wasted...
4) Either pull over and type the email, or wait until you get to the office.
5) Ich verstehe warum Sie ein Problem haben / Je comprend pourquoi Vous avez un Problem.
6) As soon as you finish this email, you'll be watching 'Alice' reruns on the Superstation.
7) The computer was a gift. You were hoping for a Furby...
8) No, this is not the 'Spank-It.COM' chatroom. Use both hands to type, please.
9) The accident severed some vital nerve connections at the base of your skull...
10) You really just typed the message to make yourself feel important.

Well, in the interest of making all of us better people, I suggest the following: Let's all put as much thought and effort into reading emails and web pages as the writer put into creating them. Wanna go a step further? Do it when people are speaking with you. Next time someone "axe"s you a question, wait about a minute, then turn to them and say, "Yes, as a matter of fact, my hair IS made of pudding! Did you want to lick it?"