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A2J.NET Christian ExchangeA2J.NET
Christian Exchange
A2J.NET Christian Exchange

Never seen what God has done for you? Need to be reminded? Check this out!

Did you like the animation of Christ on the cross? Click here to see Jesus rise from the tomb! Hit the back botton on your browser to return to this site when you are finished.

Hello everyone! If this is your first visit to my page, welcome! This site is about Christianity, a personal relationship with Christ, and if you feel you might be offended by this type of site, please feel free to leave any time. However, I want you all to know that I am not trying to force my views onto anybody. I am just trying to express what I believe and if people are willing to listen to what I have to say, then I will continue to expand and improve my site. If I am deemed intolerant due to my views, then so be it. I will continue to express and share what I believe to be THE truth.

Here is the Scripture of the Week!

"'My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant."

Luke 1: verses 46b-48a

This comes from one of the few songs in the Bible. It is from Mary after she learned she would give birth to Jesus.

God Bless!

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