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This section will be the place to find those lost addresses or telephone numbers as well as the latest in current news of the family.

Enjoy the reading and don't be a stranger, come back soon.

I would be happy to publish any family news that would be related to the families who are part of the Rybolt tree throughout the U.S.A.

Labor Day weekend of this year, 1999, will see the marriage of Suzanne Rybolt to Zak Kambic. God's Blessings to this marriage and may they enjoy a long and happy life together filled with many children.

Check "God's Blessings To You" for April birthdays

Don't forget to stay in touch with those away from home.
Jackie Rybolt is at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois.
Kelly Rybolt is at Western Illinois University in Macomb, Illinois.
I know they enjoy receiving mail.


I have decided to put this web page up as a family communication page that will serve as both a family journal, a memorial and a history lesson.

I have seen and heard on too many occasions
the regrets people have for
not doing something about something while they still could have done it.

As much time as I have spent doing the family genealogy,
there are so many people that I didn't get the chance to talk to about my family's past history.
I now wish that I had the chance,
or worse yet,
wish that I would have taken the time
to talk to my parents,
aunts and uncles
and those that had stories to tell,
stories that I could have put on paper to live forever......
not to go with them to their grave when they departed from us.

Someday, I too will depart,
however the difference will be that
the stories I can accumulate and
the knowledge of the family history that I have learned
will be left behind for those of you
who want to know or just remember.

Thomas Jefferson once said "it is just as important to know where one comes from, than to know where one is going."

I am proud to be a RYBOLT.....and I hope you too are proud and find these works I leave on this site to be some consolation for those of our family who have preceded us and afterall made it all possible for us to even be here.

Take a few minutes of your time and e-mail me with your comments and contributions. Thanks.



I knelt to pray but not for long
I had too much to do
Must hurry off and get to work
For bills would soon be due.
And as I said a hurried prayer
Jumped up from off my knee
My duty was now done
My sould could be at ease

All through the day I had no time
To speak a word of cheer
No time to speak to friends
They'd laugh at me I fear
No time...No time too much to do
That was my constant cry
No time to give to those in need

At last it was time to die
And when the Lord I came
I stood with downcast eyes
With His Hands He held a book
It was The Book of Life

He looked in the book and said
Your name I cannot find
I once was going to write it down
But never found the time..



(In this section I will be attempting to find missing information involving the families' genealogies.)

I am looking for information from the missing leg of the Rybolt family history.

I am looking for Danny Dean Rybolt and his sister Karalee whom I suspect is married.
The last I knew was that Karalee married and was living in San Diego, California and her brother Danny was in Montana.

They are the Rybolt tree's sole survivors of the branch of George Frank Rybolt who left Oneco Township, Illinois to move to Montana where he lived the rest of his life.