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        All our dreams can come true-
        if we have the courage to pursue them.
        ~~~~ Walt Disney

        And trust me, if you read the incredible story below, you too will believe that all your dreams can come true, cause I know mine sure did, at the moment I least expected them too! :-)

        I would like to thank Karen for designing this adorable graphic for my page. *hugs*

        Click for Dallas, Oregon Forecast   Click for Eaton Rapids, Michigan Forecast  Click for Reston, Virginia Forecast

        I want to thank everyone that has awarded this site with their award as they all mean a lot to me. Thank you! and lots of *hugs* to all of you that have awarded my site. I now have my own award to give out. So, if you would like to win my award, or see the winners of my award, look below to find out where to go.

        Click on the hearts to go apply for Sunnie's Award of Excellence and to see the winners of my award. PEOPLE! LOOK AT THE AWARDS PAGE, ONLY A COUPLE OF WINNERS...I WANT MORE!!

        "Please help to support the "Adopt A Guardian Angel" program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!-Thank you for your support!"

        Children Are Worth Saving Web Site

        My Little Angel's name is Mykaela

        Lissa's Page:This page and story affected me very deeply when I seen it. I hope you all will stop by this site, and take a look around, and PLEASE sign their guestbook! To Tim and Trish..*hugs and love* Your page is a wonderful tribute to your beautiful baby girl, Lissa! Never before has a site brought tear to my eyes, but yours did. Thank you!


        SaveTheChildren Page:This is another page that also touched my heart, because of all the wonderful, but sad and true poems that are on there. Please go the site, and read about how to stop child abuse! Please take a moment to sign their guestbook! Thanks!

        Please Help!

        Hello there everyone, my name is Jennifer. Please feel free to call me Jennifer, Jen, Sunnie, SunSpot, Spot, Little One, Sweetie, or whatever else you feel like calling me. Just PLEASE don't call me Jenny...I HATE that! :-) Thanks! I hope you enjoy your walk around my site! I am 20yrs. old and was born in Syracuse, NY! I used to live in a little town in Michigan called Eaton Rapids. I now live in VA near Washington, DC. With whom you might ask? My Sweetie of course! Btw! I want to thank a very special person. His name isDavid. He has been there right from the start when I told him I found my sister, and has always been extremely supportive of my need and want to see her. He is a wonderfully sweet, honest, caring, and loving man, and I am very lucky to have someone like him in my life. *hugs, kisses, and lots of lovin'* Thank you sweetie and I love you very much! (To see a tribute page that I made for my sweetie, please click here). I am very much into music as anyone that knows me will tell you! I have been involved with music since I was 7yrs. old. I started out playing the organ. Than in middle school switched to clarinet. In high school, I wanted more challenges so I started to play the saxaphone as well. Then finally in my senior year, I wanted to try flute, and although not great, I can play on it. For those of you that want to know what I look like, here is a description of myself. I am 4'11", and weigh about 100-105lbs. I have long, brown, curly hair to my waist..(well ok, it's not that long anymore) and have brown eyes.

        I was adopted at the age of 6..and was old enough to know what was going on. Well, for those of you that have visited my site before the weekend of March 27, 1998, you will know that I was looking for my sister, Kelly Lynn. On March 28, I was awakened by my roomies, Glen and Roxanne. They told me that they had gotten a phone call the night before from a woman named Cindy who lived in Michigan. She said that she knew that my name was Jennifer, and that she thought that I was the person that she had been looking for. It turns out that Cindy knows my sister, Kelly Lynn and has been helping Kelly look for me for about 3 years! Well, Glen and Roxanne took her phone number, and I called her on Saturday. It turns out that I WAS the person that she has been searching for. Her and I talked for quite a long time on the phone. I had so many questions to ask, and so many things were floating in my head! I had been found! Cindy then said she had been trying to get ahold of Kelly, to tell her the great news. But Kelly wasn't home! Cindy got ahold of her on Sunday, March 29. From what Cindy said, Kelly was in shock. So was I! I got a phone call from my baby sister(well, ok, she's 18) for the first time around 1:30 that day! It was the first time that we had talked to each other in over 15 years! There was so much to ask and not enough time to do it in! Kelly did have some bad news for me. She told me that my birth mother died on January 22, 1998. This was a sad moment for me, because I had always wished to have some sort of a person-to-person reconciliation with my birth mom. But, I hope that she knows that wherever she is, that I forgave her long ago. Anyways, I also got some wonderful news! I have baby niece named Kelcie Danielle!(click on her name to see her picture..isn't she the cutest? :-) She was born on February 24, 1998! Kelly Lynn is getting married on July 26th of this year. So, I will be attending the wedding. I am going to see my baby sister over Memorial Day Weekend next month! I can't wait! BTW! Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and support through all of this. It has been much appreciated by EVERYONE involved! I am so grateful to Cindy for finding me! Click on her name and you will see her web page that she just started! Looks great to me Sis! One thing that amazes me is how much my family grew in just the past few weeks! Not only did I find my sister Kelly, but I now have a new niece, soon to be brother-in-law Leslie, and "another sister", Cindy! *hugs and lots of love* to you, Cindy and Phil(my new "brother-in-law"). *hugs and lots of love* to Kelly, Kelcie, Nicole and Les! I am so glad that I will finally get to know my little sister! I will keep you all updated on the story! Ok, got some pictures scanned of Kelly and I when we were younger. And there is also a picture of Cindy on there too! AND LOTSA pics of Kelly!

        Poems-N-Stuff and Friends: Some of my friends are great poets. Click on the words to go to those pages. There is a little suprise on the poetry page. Hope you like it. I have a lot more friends than this, but as they do not all have web pages yet, you will not see very many listed on my friends page. And those of you that have web pages and are hiding them from me, better let me know if you want your link added to my page! I would like to add everyone's page to my homepage that I can. So, e-mail me if you are wanting to see your name listed here the next time!

        LINKS!: Since I had so many links on here, the page was taking a long time to load. I took the links and put them on their own page. There are many different kinds of links listed here. There are chat links, virtual gift links, and many more!

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        page as a Starting Point Hot Site

        "A Whole New World" is now playing
        --Dedicated to all the missing children and POW/MIA...You will be found!..Also dedicated to my newly found family, Kelly, Leslie, Kelcie, Nicole, Cindy, and Phil!--

        Send me mail by clicking below!
