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What You Need to Know About Ms. Carmel Honey

Wassup ya'll? I knew you wanted to know more about me! Ya'll so nosey! Just kiddin'! So how do you like this page so far??? Why don't you let me know? Ok more about me. I like listening to R&B and rap music. I like listening to slow jams the most. But it's all good. I like chillin'. I am a more or less simple person. I don't need a lot to have fun. I don't expect anyone to go out of their way to entertain me. I'm not materialistic either. I wouldn't want a guy to only want me for what I have, so therefore I don't look for men with the material things. Fellas, there aren't many females like me left in this world! Take advantage of that ya'll!!! Just kiddin'. I like being with my friends. They are a bunch of clowns, and I guess that's why I hang with them. We're all silly. That's why everyone likes us! But I guess just the simple things in life make me happy. I love my family. I love my Mommy and I love my brotha the most. I love life. Can it get better than this? I like to meet new people so everyone is welcome to email me at anytime! One can never have too many friends, am I right? Yep! That's because I'm always right! Just kiddin'! My interests include reading, keeping up with current events(you gotta pay attention to what's goin' on around you, NO EXCUSE), meeting new people, goin' to parties and clubs, and just chillin'.

My ideal man is one who is intelligent(this is a must), one who can hold a conversation(also a must), one who is his OWN person, one who is handsome, and one who is ambitious. I love intelligent Black men!!! Ya'll just don't know! There is nothin' better than listenin' to an intelligent Black man kick some knowledge!!! And I really like to be able to converse, so come with intelligence please. There are, however, some things that I hate. I hate it when guys call me "baby", "boo", and "sweetheart". Look, there is no baby here. And just who are you trying to scare? Not me, that's for sure. And you don't know me well enough to call me sweetheart. So watch what you're saying to me please.

I also don't have a lot of tolerance for people who act stupid. If you act stupid, don't worry, I'll let ya know. My time is very precious and stupidity doesn't sit well with me. I also don't like it when people copy me. You can't be me, so don't even try. I also hate when ya'll come and visit me, and don't even let me know! Sign my guestbook so I know you were here! Believe me, I do wanna know!!! Please don't think I'm being mean. I'm just keepin' it real wit' you. I'm lettin' you know exactly how I am, and where I'm coming from.

I also like to keep things in a positive perspective. These days, more positivety is needed, especially because of those HATERS out there. You know who you are. All the negativity in this world couldn't keep me back. I'm gonna do what I need to do to make this world a better place. I like helping people, so I know that I'll be able to make a positive impact somewhere. And for all those special people who help support me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's because of you that I can keep moving forward. Progress never stops. I'd also like to thank those HATERS as well. It's because of you that I am becoming stronger. So if you think you're keeping me down, think again.

I need some help with my web page so if anyone has any ideas, click here.

Peace and Love to ya'll Beautiful Brothas and Sistas! Stay strong!

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