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A Face of a Stranger

I once looked upon the face of a stranger. When I saw a friend I had known for eternity. His face was kind and gentle. His smile glowing with warmth. His spirit was free. My heart paused briefly. I felt the chill of the night upon my face. Who was this man? Why did I want him? Why did I need his embrace.? I knew once I first saw him ours was not to be a brief affair. I knew somehow our lives were innertwined when I first saw him there. Though my glance was only a brief one. Ours was not a meeting by chance. Fate had brought us together. Destiny intended this romance. At once it came to me. Why his eyes seemed known to mine. We had been one before. perhaps, in another life time. The look so kind and gentle, upon his face so dear Was a mere reflection of the love I hold so near. Yes, I once looked upon the face of a stranger. 'Tis not a stranger any more. 'Tis the face of the man I love. In this life time and before.
