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Monday, 28 February 2011
The People

 I hope that the people of Libya are able to get the repressive yoke of the bastard Quadaffi off of their back. There are some in this or any other society who respect the projection of power by individuals or governments. Well, the guy is a brutal, buffon like idiot, but an idiot like a fox. Fuck him, I hope that the rebels inside of the country are able to roll over his ass in some good short order. It is only a nation of 6 or 7 million people. Many of them are not ethnically Libyan by extraction. The fairly recent oil wealth in that country has led to many tens of thousands of imported types of workers. Many of these workers are from countries that are worse off economically than Libya is. Bangladesh, India, sub Saharan Africa, Sri Lanka, etc.

  The only thing that I hope is that a bunch of asshole fundamentalist islamists do not take over the void that is left by the collapse of the Quadaffi regime. There are few things as bad as a politically bent fundamentalist islamist, except maybe a Christian or Jewish one. They are all equally worthless and unyielding. Relligion has been the cause of at least half of all of the atrocities and genocides over the past millenia. Natural resources,land and foodstuffs easilly the cause of the other half. Oh, and one of my pet peeves, there is such a thing as the Palestinian people. They are Palestinian Arabs who live in Palestine and what now encompasses Israel. They are somewhat indigenous to this general area. As are the Jews of Israel, for many thousands of years. We, in the far west are given somewhat of a dummed down version of all of these historical intricacies.

  Yes, we are enthralled by the trials and travails of Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, Junior Sheen, LiLo, The Kardashian sisterhood and a whole cavalcade of others. It is a great idea for a diet plan though. Looking at lady gaga or justin beiber or the kardashian sisters/charlie sheen is enough to make me want to put off breakfast till at least noon time, By that time hopefully I will be so busy that I will say fuck the meal, I've got important things to do. A super charged coffee is just fine by me. HA, I bet that many of you do not know what a super charged coffee is. Well, that is my little secret. I give LiLo a lot of slack though, she is one hell of a talented actress and I guess Bieber is some kind of Elvis Junior/Jerry Lee Lewis/buddy holly rolled into one.

Posted by zwreeze at 2:38 PM EST
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