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Welcome one and all to the Theatre of the Absurd.

Name:: Billy Perrish
Sex:: Female
Hair:: Blonde
Eye:: Green
Age:: 29
Occupation:: Project Twilight Member, CIA, SAD

Merits:: Uknowing Garou Kin Folk, License To Kill, Inter-Agent Permit, Agency Insider
Flaws:: Female, Nightmares, Paranoia, Obcessive Compulsive

Backgrounds:: Rank-3, Backers - 2

Weaknesses:: Billy has nightmares, which make her prone to insomnia, she will refuse to go to sleep if she does not have the aid of sleep medication, which blocks the REM sleep cycle and makes her not dream at all. Being a female and working at the agency, she is prone to sexual harassment, or people thinking less of her. Paranoid from the fact that she was attacked by a vampire at a young age, she refuses to outside at night alone.


Billy's mother was in the CIA, working for the government, a single mom, her husband killed in the line of duty, she had a hard time raising Billy on her own. When Billy was in Jounior high she was sent to a private school to learn, thats when she found out she had a gift, she found this out while playing with a pencil, trying to make it stand on its own, it kept falling before she willed it to stand, and thus began her learning. Billy's mom was made aware of this through the other agents who had contacts with project twilight, and she was angry at the group that they were nosing in on her daughters life. Billy was coming home one night for christmas when she was attacked by, what she now knows to be a vampire. the creature drug her into an alley and she put up a pretty good fight, though her power kicked in to save her almost a bit too late, a metal pipe did its job through the skull of the creature. Billy ran home to her mother screaming and bloody. A few years later, after college she wanted to try her hand at what her mother was doing, and her mother helped her out, getting her an interview, though it never took place, as the project decided to scoop her up upon hearing she had grown up. Billy became a very business like woman over the years, starting out in the agency as kind and fun loving, she became hard and bitter, honest to a point where it cut like a knife, and a bitch. She met agent Rawne, and made him look like a sweet kitty cat. Only recently has she been sent to trail the agent, and figure out just what he had found, which rawne might not like.

Telekinetic, able to lift up to 500 pounds.

