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Savvy Property Inspections

Savvy Property Inspections
Savvy Property Inspections
Savvy Property Inspections is your one stop source for expert third party home and commercial property inspections, energy audits, efficiency and weatherization services.

We utilize decades of experience to provide our clients with the highest quality Property Condition Assessments at competitive prices. We're licensed and certified in the areas of, Structural, Electrical, Plumbing and HVAC.

Energy Audits & Building Performance and Weatherization services are available with possible rebate benefits from Austin Energy.

Inspections mandated by the Texas Real Estate Construction Commission (TRCC) require builders and contractors to have three phase inspections performed; foundation, framing and mechanical if located outside the City's jurisdiction. The City of Austin also adopted a rule requiring residential permitted construction projects within the City's jurisdiction, to be frame phase inspected by a neutral third party inspector.
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