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Managing School After Opiate Addiction Treatment

Are you returning to school after your opiate addiction treatment? The thought of it may scare some students, who had recently received a cure for opiate addiction. Others may get excited about their return to school.

Dealing with school or college following an opiate addiction treatment may not be as easy as others think. However, it should not deter you to stop your school or college because there are different ways that you can manage it ahead of time.

Managing exams:

Facing exams may sometimes be hard for students. It is for this reason that some people turn to prescription drugs such as Ritalin or Adderall to help them cope with school or college tests. However, if you just finished your opiate abuse cure, part of it is to manage stress without being dependent on any drugs.

Here are ways that you can cope up with exams without resorting to opioids:

• Make an extra effort on your studies.

• Take breaks.

• Start and finish your work early.

• Turn off your gadgets such as mobile phone.

• Find a quiet place to study.

Managing social life:

One of the challenges in the lives of young adults and adolescents is facing the social life. Sometimes, it may be hard for them to maintain their abstinence after an opiate addiction treatment because drugs and alcohol are part of the social gatherings and events.

Luckily, there are many help available for recovering students that include sober living dormitories. Many of the colleges and universities also have sober support groups and programs that support students in recovery.

Some of these include: Center for the Study of Addiction and Recovery (Texas Tech University), Alcohol and Other Drugs Assistance Program (Rutgers University), StepUP program at Augsburg College and Students for Recovery.

Recovery high schools for recovering high school students:

After receiving a cure for opiate addiction, high school students may enroll in a program called Recovery Highschool. Recovering high school students can benefit greatly from the Association of Recovery Schools that provides students with support and education.

Recovery high schools can provide high school diploma, assist in student’s recovery and educate them on substance abuse, opiate substance abuse treatment education and co-occurring disorders. 


Taking care of one’s self is an integral part of the opiate addiction treatment and recovery.  When you learn to care for yourself, you commit yourself to your sobriety, which is significant for recovery.

Here are ways that you can take care of yourself while in recovery:

• Eating nutritious food. Eating healthy foods can improve your physical and mental health because a good diet increases your immune system; improves healing from addiction; and gives you energy.

• Regular exercise. Exercising can do a lot of benefits to the body such as increasing the endorphins that lowers drug cravings and stabilizes mood.

• Getting complete sleep. Complete sleep of 7 to 8 hours is crucial for opiate addiction treatment and recovery.  It helps you curb fatigue and provides you with enough energy for the next day.

• Taking time to relax. Findings ways to relax such as developing a new hobby, driving, swimming or indulging in other sports is a big plus to keep stress at bay.

• Enrich your religious beliefs and practices. Practice meditation, yoga and other relaxing techniques regardless of your religious beliefs.