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 I would like to say welcome to my sight , I do hope that You will find all that You are looking for in this sight and hope that Your day that is  coming up be the best that You can think it needs to be .
My name is Rev. Evaline T. Braswell
My Husband is  Rev. Jamie A. Braswell
we are both able and would love to have the opportunity to be able to make the day of Your wedding the best day and something You will be able to remember for a while . we live in a small town , and will travel to where You wish to have Your wedding . We are both Ordained into the Ministry in the Non-Denominational Belief`s. We can work with You on the wedding Vow's and either we can write them for You or You may come up with Your own . as long as we have a copy that is all we ask so that we may be able to read them as well . We Specialize in the following type of Weddings :

Inter-faith Ceremony , Renewal of Vow's ,Last Minute Weddings . We work with Churches as well .
I have also known to make Wedding flowers , I am as well as a Notary of the State of Texas .
we would love to be able to be a big part of Your Day .

 sight for the flowers .