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The striped Umbrella



Current position


The main goal for this project is to discuss my current and future goals reguarding my career, therefore, i'll start with my current situation to give a little background about myself and give the reader an idea of where do i stand to accomplish those goals. I am currently an employee of Miami Dade county Parks and Recreation, specifically from Crandon Park Tennis Center where the big tennis tournament is at every year "SONY ERICCSON OPEN". My classification in the county is "park attendant" which has nothing to do with my career choice but it is a good job; for one, i love the people that work with me and the benefits of being a county employee far surpass those of a regular job that a person without a degree like myself could get so it is a job that i plan on staying on for at least until i graduate, guess you could call it "a steping stone". It covers my needs and feeds my family. Below its a picture of the Sony Ericcson:


My short term goals


My current goals are, in short, to finish my first associate so i can at least have 60 semester credits which is the minimum requirement to get a decent job. As it stands, my major is Microsoft Networking Engineer, but i might change it to Cisco Networking Engineer because where the economy stands now it is very difficult sometimes to get into some classes due to availability and even other classes aren't even posted so you simply can't get those classes you need to finish your carreer requirements. Cisco mainly deals with hardware, as oposed to microsoft who manages software, it mainly has to do with switches, router and construction and maintaining a network on an administrative level of hardware, while 80% of microsoft work is "watching the bar" this refeers to waiting for the progression bar that appears once you install a program like a windows operating system, server or any other aplication. The reason why i choose this type of career is because it is what i love doing and as people say: "if you work doing what you love, you never work a day in your life". It also is a very interesting choice(i will give you a link to Cisco's main web page so you can explore a little bit more into this career given that the future of the world inclines more and more everyday into computers.


My future goals


In my psicology class, required for my career goal, i once heard that it was wise to mix two careers depending on various things, it could be what you like and what is profitable, or what you like to work on and your hobie etc, the example given was: if you like music and you want to be a nurse....why not try to vinculate both like "music therapy"? Well, i liked that idea so i plan to do the same; in my case i will vinculate a job with the county for the benefits and and a job in IT or a related department because is what i like doing and for the money (yes, for the money...guilty as charged). What i envision myself doing, as far as IT refers is mainly building a network, managing security and scaling the network if required (adding more networks when the company grows). I estimate that i would get my degree this semester, provided that i can take one more class if my budget allows it so "good luck me".


How this class benefits my career choice


I believe this class to be very important for my future, if you stick with one thing to do and that is your only expertise, your chances to get a job and to have job security decrease greatly. This class will allow me to build and update web pages and if necesary post them on the internet, so no longer i am only the guy who monitors the network but i am also he who can take care of the webpage for m,y workplace or any other workplace in the county if they need me. On top of that i have also taken other classes like A+ which allows me to repair a computer, adding more to my value as an employee abd above all expands my knoledge. Those are my goals as it stands now, i hope that they somehow gave you an oportunity to revise and consider my choices or just to provide you more knolodge about oportunities. Best of luck to you.



Photo album

I will post here some pics of myself and my family. enjoy!



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