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My little black cat BOO! My sweet little pussycat was adopted November 1, 1997 at the animal shelter in layton. I was looking for a little black kitten to name BOO! On halloween 1997 we went to the animal shelter too look for a kitten to replace turky. I had found turky in the summer; i heard a kitten cry in the middle of the night and found him starving, only skin and bones and no teeth. I felt sorry for the little baby and took him in to nurture him till
I got BOO becuase i knew my first cat Tiger was not going to live very long. But Tiger lived three more years before we had to put her to sleep. Tiger always pretended to hate boo, but once i caught her playing with boo and then when i caught her she acted like she didn't like boo. Tiger died on January 28, 2000.

BOO is the most sweetest most precious little cat. She likes to go outside and play in the garden. She has her own body pillow on my bed and a special spot under the computer. She gets lonely at night and comes looking for me. She has a special relationship with my father and she likes to cuddle with him when he is watching the dever broncos.

I found tiger as a stray in 1998, she was only a kitten and my dog lady chased her up a tree. I called her down and she lost her footing and fell, i caught her and immediatly knew she was my cat. after several hours of crying and pleading my dad let me keep her. She was in the house during the day and slept in her own cat house at night. But one day she ran away for three days and mom decided that from now on she would be an indoor cat. Tiger was half tabby, half Egyptian Mau and was a very shy cat whom only liked me. She was terrified of my brother and his children when they came to live with us when aunt Marie died in a car accident. My poor cat was traumatized every day by the kids when i was not there. She would spend her days hiding under the covers of my bed. She would cuddle up with me at night. The vet was the one that told me she was a mau and he told me they have alot of problems because they are inbred. When old age hit tiger lost alot of wieght and threw up every day, she stopped using the litterbox and it was so horrible to clean up after her. We did not have the money to get her medicine and mom pushed me to put her to sleep. She was euthanized on January 28th, 2000. She did not want to die and the doctor said the euthenasia takes 15 minutes to work but she just fell over dead. The vet said he had never seen an animal go so fast.

Tiger was a dragon trapped in the body of a cat. when she died i heard a loud growl because she did not want to be seperated from me. The cat goddess Bastet tells me that Tiger refuses to cross over because she wants to be with me. She will wait untill its my time and then she will be with me forever.

Dad felt so sorry for this little boy, but i always knew he was not to be my cat. We took him to the shelter on halloween 1997 and the next day he had been adopted. We called him copy cat because he took after Tiger. We gave him milk becuase he had no teeth, he was only a baby of 3-4 weeks old and could fit in the palm of my hand. He had been emancipated from his mother for a time so long he was only skin and bones and wieghed only a pound. My father felt sorry for Turky so he let me keep him till it was time to for him go to a good home

We got Lady Bird in 1984 when i was 9. Dad always wanted a hunting dog so we got a Britanny Spaniel that is a pointer. He only took her hunting once and discovered he had spoiled his hunting dog. Lady was always hyper, she would always jump on you and dig holes. the only trick i could ever get her to do was to jump on top of her doghouse. She won second place in the dog show at the davis county fair when i was 12. Lady misbehaved so much my dad decided to give her away to a farmer. It took me three days to notice the dog house was gone and she was missing. I really didn't like dogs so losing her was not that bad. I had a cat named tiger instead that was my baby. width=497>

Last year my father decided to clean out the pond but he put the fish in a container that was so small three fish died of trama. The big black and Orange one named buffy, The platinum bloond spike and a smaller black and orange fish named dawn. They were worth about $150 and dad refused to give me ten bucks to replace them. It was so horrible to watch them die right before my eyes. This year we are not going to clean out the pond and if we ever decide to do so then im getting a child size swimming pool that should be big enough so they wont freak out a die on me.