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  Goosey goosey Xander,
Whither shall I wander?
Upstairs and downstairs
And in my lady's chamber.
There I met an old man
Who wouldn't say his prayers,
So I took him by his left leg
And threw him down the stairs.

Xander Daniels can be as happy as he wants after I did his dirty work and took out Hooligan. I’m glad I could be of assistance to that tyro and put a smile on that face of his.

Sometimes I wish I could smile like that.

I wish I could be happy.

Or maybe happiness is overrated.


For the first time in several years the maniacal Jak Nemesis found himself in attendance at an organised press conference. The conference had been set up by Fedwars official eager to get more of an insight into the mind of the last remaining free agent in their precious Title Wave tournament. The only man not tied down to a contract that was left standing, seemingly intent on winning the title.

The bigwigs couldn’t have an outsider come in and take their biggest title. This press conference and the great hospitality the officials had shown him was their attempt to convince him that one of the Fedwars affiliated promotions was indeed the place to be. Would Jak oblige and sign on the dotted line with one of them?

Time will tell.

Jak looked around at the mass of people before him all dying to ask questions and quiz him about his progression through the tournament thus far, some snapping photographs as the flashes of light hit his dark brown eyes.

“Jak! Jak! Over here!”

“Okay...” Jak started. “Okay first of all I’d like to thank you all for coming out here, I’ll do my best to answer any questions you guys may have”.

Jak spoke in a calm voice, in a polite manner of which none of those in attendance had expected from the devious villain. The thoughts going on inside his head however, told the real story.

Yeah that’s it ask me all the questions you want you miserable assholes, and I’ll tell you whatever I think you either want or need to hear from me. I’m not one for big press conferences; I’m here simply because I was offered a decent amount of cash to be here.

“Jak!” One bespectacled man near the front was the first to call out and catch Jak’s attention. “In the last round you defeated Hostility’s reigning Aversion title holder Hooligan, what are your thoughts on him and that promotion in general?”

Hostility? I went there and checked out one of their shows and hell, it’s a decent enough company. I’ve seen a lot worse, but I know where this four eyed geek is going with that question.

“I have nothing but the greatest admiration for the Hostility Wrestling Federation and all of the incredible roster they have built there. To defeat one of their stars and champions was a great honour and was my way of reminding the entire world what Jak Nemesis was capable of inside the squared circle”.

How’s that for an answer?

“Jak!” called another reporter. “In the semi final round you now face another Hostility superstar and rival of Hooligan’s – Xander Daniels. Just as before a lot of experts are writing you off before the match has begun. Any comments you wish to make ahead of the big match?”

All of the insignificant Fedwars fans following the tournament want to write me off?

Go ahead.

I’ll prove the fucking lot of them wrong.

Xander Daniels wants to square off with the Unholy Assassin? He feels brave enough to go move for move, hold for hold, toe to toe with Jak Nemesis? If he is a religious man then he had better start praying in a manner he has never prayed before. If he’s not a religious man then hell, he might want to consider changing his mind so that he can start to pray to whatever God he chooses. Of course it does not matter one single bit what he does, the only thing for certain is that he will crash and burn. Xander Daniels will lose. No question.

I will win.

He can run around in the Hostility Wrestling Federation and he can chase after Hooligan’s Aversion title belt all he wants. I swatted Hooligan away like the pesky insect I saw him as and I’ll do much the same again here, leaving the two of them to go back to their little dance over their precious title in the HWF.

I’m after a bigger prize. Xander Daniels is not even in my league. I did what he has been trying to do for a long time as I pinned Hooligan’s shoulders to the mat for the three count, and I did it without even getting out of second gear.

“Xander Daniels is a tough competitor and a credit to Hostility. Facing him will be one of the toughest matches of my career and I challenge I hope I can come through and pass with flying colours”.

This press conference bullshit is easy. Whatever I say they lap it up and scribble notes on their little pads. Pathetic.

“Xander Daniels recently commented that he simply does not like you and you don’t impress him, even referring to you as the most obnoxious man in the tournament. How do you respond to those comments?”

Obnoxious? Xander Daniels is talking out of his arse. We’ll see if I impress him enough as I’m slamming his face into the canvas and breaking his bones like twigs. Quite who he thinks he is I have no idea, but he is and will forever be a nobody.

“I’m unsure as to why Xander felt the need to attack me in such a manner and I do not wish to retaliate in a debate here and now using only words. I will do all the talking I need to do inside the ring. Xander Daniels spends most of his time thinking about Hooligan, just as my last victim spent most of his focused on Xander. My words of warning are that these foolish men need to focus on the guy in front of them. They need to focus solely on Jak Nemesis to even have a prayer of competing with me. If they’re still thinking of other rivals when they step through those ropes and notice me in the opposite corner, then I’ll knock them out faster than Manny Pacquiao.”.

Xander Daniels underestimates me at his peril.

“Jak you are of course the last free agent standing in the competition and have been strongly linked toward making a move and signing a contract with one of the Fedwars associated promotions. What are your thoughts on that possibility? Are the rumours true and if so, which company has caught your attention”

Hah. There’s the big question.

“I have looked around and of course I’ve had multiple offers from the top promotions in the interfed. As of now I am still very much a free agent, but all of that could well be about to change very soon. So keep your eyes open because you never know when the Unholy Assassin will turn up and strike”.

“Obviously we know a lot about the other superstars that have taken part in this tournament, but you remain very much a mysterious figure of whom we know very little. So tell us – who is Jak Nemesis?”

What kind of question is that? I came here to answer questions regarding my opponent and the tournament as a whole. What the fuck does it matter who I am anyway? I’m the man that ought to kick this guys ass for asking such a stupid fucking question.

“Jak a bad, sick and twisted man. This conference is over”.

Jak spoke with a hard conviction and perhaps a degree of regret in his voice. He stood up and left his chair and the press conference as the media began shouting in his directions and the flashes of photographs went off around him once more. Jak left to the side and ignored the calls for his return as he did not look back, and routinely walked away from the hysteria that enveloped him.

The stupid Fedwars officials had paid him upfront for being here.

Now he was leaving.


“I knew I’d find you here Jak”.

Jak Nemesis sat alone on a stool in a bar as a familiar voice called from behind him. Jak did not need to turn around for he knew who it was, and truth be told though there was no reason for him to be there he had even been expecting his arrival.

“Hello Matthew. What the fuck are you doing here old man?”

“Is that any way to greet the man who helped you defeat Hooligan? Hell, I’m the closest thing to a friend you have in the entire world right now. You know I’m here for you Jak, so learn to accept it and live with it”.


Matt King took a seat on the stool next to Jak and ordered a drink as Jak still did not look in his direction, instead staring into his own glass.

“You’re no friend of mine. So let me guess what you’re doing here – you’ve come to offer me some more words of advice so that you can claim you helped me defeat Xander Daniels. Then you’ll show up uninvited again next week and offer some pearls of wisdom so that you can claim you helped me become the Title Wave 2009 winner and Fedwars champion. And then Matt, then you’’ ask for something in return. Is there someone out there trying to hurt you again? Or is someone just not paying up what they owe you? Whatever it is I’m not interested so you’re wasting your time. At your age that is something you should not waste Mr King. So kindly leave me the fuck alone”.

Matt smiled in response.

“Jak my boy. That’s always been one of your biggest faults – you’re too focused on events that transpired in the past. Me – I’m living in the present, and let me tell you now that it is good. Everything you did for me in the past, I know how horrible it was but remember that you haven’t seen me in years and I have changed. You don’t owe me anything as you’ve already done more than enough. Now it’s my turn to help you. So take this”.

Matt slid a DVD over to Jak, who hesitated for a second before reluctantly putting the disc in the pocket of his cut off jeans.

“That’s my boy. I am not your enemy Jak and I’m not lining you up to help me out of a hole because I’m doing just fine. My primary concern now is making up for whatever sins I committed in the past”.

“You could never make up for the things you made me do and how you manipulated me and forced me into doing them”.

“That may be so. In fact I know you’re right but all I can do is try and you can’t blame a man for trying to atone. That DVD right there is a collection of highlights in Xander Daniels’ career”.

“Must be a fucking short DVD”.

“Ha, you always did have a sense of humour behind all the darkness in those eyes. That DVD should tell you everything you need to know about your opponent and will once again ensure you emerge victorious and progress to the final round and one step closer to immortality in the Fedwars community. Speaking of which, have you decided which company you’re going to sign with yet?”

Jak looked over and stared Matt in the eye for the first time since his arrival.

“What makes you think I’m going to sign with any of them?”

“You keep forgetting who it is you’re talking to Jak. I know how you think and I can see that the burning desire to compete at the highest level once again is inside you once more. There are a lot of good promotions out there that would love to sign up the champion, and I can help you make the correct choice. You want to be pushed and you want to do battle with some of the best. There’s only one promotion that can guarantee you that Jak”.

“I know Matt, I already know. You aren’t telling me squat because as much as you think you know there is nobody that knows me better than I do. So I’ll tell what I’m going to do: I’m going to go home and watch this DVD you have so graciously provided for me and learn all I need to know about ‘The Phoenix’ Xander Daniels. Then I’m going to defeat him right in the centre of the ring and advance to the final. Then I’m going to win. Then I’ll sign up to that promotion and continue my winning ways. You can do whatever the fuck you want”.

With that Jak downed what remained in his glass and left the bar, leaving Matt alone.

“Hey can I get another beer over here?”

Matt felt he was getting to where he wanted to be.

Whether Jak liked it or not.


Jak walked back to his car and played with the DVD inside his pocket.

I don’t need any fucking help to beat this clown, but as always doing a little research can’t hurt. I don’t know jack? Xander will soon get to know Jak a lot closer and more personally than he ever wanted to and he can study and train as hard as he wants. Xander Daniels might want to take up my earlier advice and seek religion. He’d better then hope that God shows mercy on his soul...because I sure as hell won’t.
