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Most Enjoyable Indoor Games For Kids

Childhood is the most carefree life phase for an individual. And, games are something that one closely associates it with, whether played outdoors or indoors. Playing indoor games is not only safer but is a great time for the little ones to bond with their peers, their siblings and other family members.

Below are listed some really enjoyable fun indoor games for a winter days.

1) Spy

This is a very popular game that can be played among 2-6 children at a time. One of the kids, says something like “ I spy something with my little eye, a thing that is blue in colour”. Now, the other kids run around looking for an object that is blue in colour. Once they find it, they stay close to it to not get out. It's fun to play and increases the observation power in kids.

2) Home Skit

This is a game where the imagination of little children runs wild. Collect some household items together and give it to your child and her friends. Now select a theme around which they can build up an act using the same items. This is a great role-playing activity for kids that boosts their confidence. If you want, you can also play along.

3) Balancing Beam

This is a really fun game where children have to walk straight on a path marked with a masking tape on the floor without losing balance. You can also introduce scores in the game to make it interesting. Help your kids improve balance while walking with this game.

4) Treasure Hunt

Plan an adventure for around 2-6 kids with this game by getting some kid-safe objects like crayons, toys, etc. together and write clues for the kids to find and identify each of the these. Place the objects in different places in your home and let the game begin. You can also make two teams out of the players to enhance the fun quotient. This way, kids enjoy themselves and also improve their problem-solving skills.

Let this phase of innocence reign for a good time and help your child to learn more. Help your children grow in a better way with indoor games!

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6x this you can also do with toys of your Kids