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Canada is a land of many nations. Country of immigrants. The Rich and developed country where many new immigrants will try to make their Canadian dream. Nice house or apartment, a decent job with good benefits, education for their kids etc..... Some will find it but for some, it will just stay a dream. Europeans, Latinos, Asians, Mexicans, Filipinos, Romanians, Serbs, Hondurans....

Many nations but only one dream. Canadian dream.

In my 20 working  years in this rich country, I hade a chance and luck to meet and work with  Filipinos, Romanians, Punjabis, East Indians, AngloSaxons, Koreans, Taiwanese, Germans, El Salvadorians, Hondurans, Japanese, Bulgarians, Serbians, Muslims, Palestinians, Chinese, Slovakians, Czech, Italians, Ukrainians, Russians, Fijians.....

I used to work in a company owned by Taiwanese guy, company owned by Chinese guy from HongKong. Did spend few years with Concert Properties working for AngloSaxons, in a shopping mall in Burnaby working with Filipinos and Anglosaxons.

It was interesting. Many good and not that good moments. Discrimination was usual on daily basis. As new immigrants, you don't know your rights and you have to swallow your pride and have to work for that paycheck to survive in this country of nice people where we are all brothers and sisters and we hug each other, smile and make love.

This is a story about work in Canada, Vancouver.