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About my little Babie (Sabre)
Hello this lovely little kittie you see is my little kittie named Sabre!! Yes he is mine lol, well he is an orange tabie (male) i know he is so nice but this little maniac is driving me crazy he is all in my computer and in my way all the time. But i have to give credit were credit is due, he saved me though that little stinker found a hole in my water cooling line in my computer and saved me from having the computer go in the trash from water damage lol. Well i am going to get more pics of my system online because that is my pride and joy lol. well enought about that.
Front of pc
Specs for my Computer
Well lets see here:
Running a AMD Athlon 64 FX. 2.60 ghz FSB 800 mhz
1 gb DDR RAM (pc 2700)
4-40 GB Hard Drives
Water cooling System (keeps cpu and video card at 55 F
Using a Cd Burner but taking out when i get a nice DVD/CD-RW when i see a good sale lol
Well enought on the specs. I know i need to make the case look cooler but i don't worry about lookins right now i am working on getting the right case for it i am currently running the lines under my power supply which isn't what i should be doing lol but it work lol
Total Cost for the entire build was $$100 and that was only because i needed to get that water cooling system and another radiator for the system to keep the water cool lol. i am trying to get mercury in the lines because mercury is a liquid metal and it stays cold longer and doesn't take that much to kool it lol. Plus if i get that in the lines and pump which i can but i can't find that much my system will be running at all times at 30 deg F lmfao.