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Eww, the old layout was oh so bad, new and improve layout here. Below is the link to what the old layout looked like if you wish to see it. I was quite upset that I couldn't find the original image I had the first time, so I had to improvise. Like it? Need any help email me at

Image: The One, Tested in IE and Firefox, Best view with a resolution of 1024*768 and up.

Layout was remade on Nov 09, 2010, click here to see the old version.

Using the Layout

1. Unzip and upload all of the files to a temporary files folder.
2. Open main.html with your favorite HTML Editor and replace all the text I have here with your own.
3. And place the right image_01.jpg with the ones I have.
4. Upload to your own server.
5. Plz DO NOT direct link!
6. Need any help? Just contact me!


BOLD, underline, and italics.

"This is a blockquote. I'm expanding the way I do my layouts hope you like it! You can use this anyway you want."


Site (c) to your name
Layout (c) to Flamboyant