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Dave saw an advertisement on television for ADULT MATCHMAKER.COM.AU,but instead he made a monumental error,he went to ADULTS.COM.AU(lucky for Dave),so while he was there he decided to fill in a profile,the following day he did something else he never does and went back to adults and joined into the open forum chat and there was only one person in there,that person was Wendy,Wendy asked Dave that if he was ever over in adelaide could he have a look at her computer and Dave said to her how about next week.So next week came and Dave drove from Melbourne to Adelaide and met Wendy,unknown to Dave his eldest Daughter had convinced Wendy to come back to Melbourne with Dave and if things didn't work out he would bring her back to Adelaide in a few weeks when he got his holidays.So when Dave got to Wendy's place she already had her bags packed.Dave stayed with Wendy all week and at the end of the week they went home to Melbourne and they have been back to Adelaide to visit Wendy's children and grand children.


On the 19th of April Wendy had a major stroke,so Dave took her to the Sunshine hospital, The first night she didn't look as if she would make it through the night,the next day she was in a vegetated state and dave was told by a nurse that this could be as good as she would ever get.Dave was very worried,Wendy was sent to the western hospital and went to intensive care where they found her blood pressure was at 230.But she was stable,Dave went home and rang the Stroke foundation and wanted to become Wendy's carer but was told she would get better in time.After a week in intensive care she was shifted up to the wards and she seemed to be getting better quite quickly,so she was shifted to rehabilitation at Sunshine hospital,but after about 2 weeks they shifted her back to the Western hospital because she was very sick,vomiting every day,they also gave her a few M.R.I scans and a lumber puncture and found she had a cist on her spinal chord so she had to have surgery on her back. This has made us very depressed.Surgery went well according to the doctors ,however wendy has been sick for the following week and seems on the virge of giving up,Dave is also very much in the same way of thinking ,well that was until he had a chat with his former wife (chris) she made him see that the only way Wendy will get better is if he makes her believe she will get better. So with all the love Dave has for Wendy he is telling her that she will get better and although Dave spends a lot of time crying in private he is trying to help Wendy get better.

Today is the 19th of June 2005,good news,Wendy gets her stitches out (from the back surgery),i am looking forward to it too.Well Wendy did get her stitches out and her back is looking good,she is also sitting up in the chair sometimes,but she is still being sick. :(
It is now 8 weeks since Wendy had her stroke,she is still being sick and feels she will never get out of hospital,she is still in the Western hospital,i have told her that it's time for me to get tough and i will say things to her to make her get very annoyed and if she swears at me thats fine but i want to do everything possible to make her work hard to rehabilitate and she knows doing her temper and using it in a positive way is good,i have also told her she needs to start to be very selfish and think of only herself.Monday the physio therapist will use a tilt table to get Wendy on her feet and get the lazy muscles in her right leg to do some work,we will see how that goes.Good news today (28-6-05),today i helped Wendy do some exercises with her leg and it was the first time she was able to lift her leg off the bed,to start with she lifted it half an inch and the she lifted it 2 inches.(29-6-05)Wendy was on the tilt table today and she lifter her own weight several times,she has also been sitting up eating dinner.the nurse in charge has said that they are going to have her assesed to see if she is ready for rehabilitation and i think she just may be ready.
1st July 2005,well thats todays date and i have been told by the unit manager(nurse in charge) Wendy is ready for rehabilitation and the hospital is booking her in for an assesment which will take about 3 working days until it is carried out and then they need to wait for a vacant bed at rehab.Wendy is not very optimistic about it but i do not blame her as this is also the 11th week she has been in hospital. 2nd July Wendy is more optimistic about rehab today,because the doctor has told wendy that she has come a long way this week and she will get better but he can't say how long it will take.


Today is the 17th of july,Wendy finally gets into Caulfield rehabilitation unit,its the day we have been waiting for.I get a call from the Western hospital and 5 minutes later i get a call fron the Caulfield hospital to let me know Wendy has been shifted,so i get in the car and drive to Caulfield to see Wendy,when i get their she is so happy she is crying.I am also crying,it has been now 13 weeks since she had the stroke,that is over 3 months in hospital.It will be hard for us both,you see since we met(2 years ago) we have never had a day of not seeing each other and because the hospital is so far away i can only see her a few days a week......on the 19th of July when Dave says bye to Wendy they both know they won't see each other for at least 5 days,so they both have a good cry in each others arms.....but Dave tells Wendy he will ring her when he can.
The next day Dave makes the time to go into the hospital ,but when he first see's Wendy she is sitting in her wheel chair looking very depressed ,that is until she see,s Dave and then her face lights up.In the days ahead she goes to therapy,learns to use the wheel chair,learns to tranfer herhelf to a bed with help and on the 26th of July she walks with the help of the rails in the gymnasium in the hospital,she walks about 15 feet,and then turns around and walks the same distance again,Wendy is so proud of herself that she cries and Dave is just as proud,they both hold each other and cry, they are so happy for they now know Wendy is going to be walking again and at the rate Wendy is progressing she will be better very soon.19th September,its been a while since i last put an entry in here,Wendy's progress is going good,she has today progressed to transfering herself from to wheel chair to the bed and back to the wheel chair using a walking frame and tomorrow they will be teaching her how to walk using the walking frame,Today Wendy started learning how to use the walking frame and we are very proud of Wendy's hard work,she has also progressed very well in speech therapy,using the frame has given her so much confidence and i am so proud of her.She also made some chocolate chip cookies and there is talk of her going to the bank to change her banking details,That will also give her more confidence.After many months of rehabilitation ,the day has finally arrived,Wendy is going home with Dave,Wendy has been in hospital for 8 months ,but she is going to be home for christmas and everyone is very excited.
1 months later Wendy starts rehabilitation at Sunshine as an out patient,all is going well for 2 months ,then Wendy has an epiliptic seizure,Dave is totally worried that she may have had another stroke,he manages to compose him self,administers 1st aide to Wendy and then calls the Ambulance. Wendy regains consceinceness and Dave realises that Wendy has had a seizure,the ambulance comes and takes Wendy to hospital for observation and some tests.They find Wendy is epileptic and with medication she will be ok.The very next day they let Wendy go home with dave and Wendy is now all right.
DATE 7 JULY 2006

Wendy and Dave are now looking forward to their wedding day.It will be on the 20th -12-2006
Date 13 JULY 2006

Yesterday Wendy went to the hospital for a check up and was put on a different medication for her epilepsy,the dilantin she was on was making her sleep too much.Hopefully this new medication will make her feel a lot better.Today Wendy went to the hospital to see her neuro surgeon,he has ordered new scans to make sure the cyst that she had removed has not come back......we can only hope that it hasn't.Well i am heart broken to say,but Wendy passed away on the 18th of December 2006.
2 days befor we were to be married,and i am heart broken,however it was a privlidge to have been the lucky man to have loved her and to have cared for her during what was a very difficult time in her life.It was also a very happy time in both our lives.She did so much for me and yet she could not see it.Wendy always looked at my children as her own and i always looked at her children as my own,Words cannot say how much i owe my sweet Wendy,there is so much i would love to be able to say to Wendy,i can say i feel like the luckiest man alive,Wendy injected me with the need to live.I have since entered the caring industry so i can care for others who need special care and need help to reach their goals.

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