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WordPress in terms of features is limited, which makes it an easy application to use and develop. It is excellent for publishing informational content but has its limitations when it comes to complicated web applications. There are however plug-in applications available which make enhances its features yet its remains fairly limited. In terms of administrative features it has a simple panel which can be used to update or add new content or media.

wordpress website designer

Joomla beats WordPress hands down when it comes to features. It has a strong API which allows it to integrate with other sources and websites. It has powerful add-on components which enhances customization. The Administrative panel too is more detailed with features like shopping cart, order management, enquiry management, User management, multi-lingual content, document management, etc.

So based in these differences you can choose the application that suits your purpose the best, and create your own Joomla besd, or WordPress based website design.

 WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) specially designed and developed for the bloggers which allow user to customize blog in your own unique way. It's constantly updated product, available completely for free for anyone. But now with advancement in WordPress system they have developed it into system that can be used to create Open source and create customized website designs.

WordPress Customization

WordPress allows you to fully explore and customize your website. It can be downloaded and installed easily and could be used right-away. Installation process is very easy and informative, specially oriented to the beginners and amateurs. But with the help of professional designers and developers it can create websites which are easy to mange and useful when there is a need for Open management of website.

 Full Customization - Customize your website through plug-ins and themes created by third party developer. It allows you to highly improve your blog or website functionality and productivity within a short time providing a good layout and user friendly front-end and admin controlled backend website.

wordpress website design

SEO For Wordpress - Free-hosted blogs can't change and improve the SEO functionality of your blog, because you can't install any third-party plug-in from their database. But with Wordpress customization and installed plugins website SEO can be easily managed.

Domain Name - If you already have a domain name - you can't use it by the default (for free) with your free-hosted powered Wodpress blog. Using self-hosted solution gives you the option to build-up your blog around own domain name. Wordpress customization and plugins installations allow easy wordpress website design hosted on server with complete admin control.

Today you may find many website designing companies offering wordpress customization that can be easily searched on Internet. These companies provide dedicated team of designers and programmers offering customized solutions for wordpress website designing allowing to choose from thousands of themes, plugins and widgets. Choosing a third party to customize wordpress website designing is an easy and affordable option for small business, blogs and business that may need to update their site quite oftenly for product display and promotions.

 In today's generation, everybody has an opinion. Not only this, but avid web users are content on having this opinion heard. It was no surprise that with time that a handful of web designers answered the pleas of this captive audience. This saw the introduction of several online based content management systems (better known to some as "blog sites"). These act as a user friendly platform for web-users from all walks of life to discuss topical events, personal life, sports, or anything that crosses their minds. When you are quoted your website design prices, make sure you know what system if any you are getting charged for. And make sure it's one you think you'll like!

If at any point this becomes too much and you are really just interested in how much you should pay for each system and design, click through to our website design prices website. Where you can read up in more detail, look out for pitfalls – submit a quote that you have received and get expert advice on how good a deal it is.

Wordpress – Just one more blog?

I start my comparisons by reviewing the very popular "Wordpress" CMS. A successful web based platform founded by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little, and has gathered several "open source CMS awards"

Wordpress is renowned for not going beyond the initial basic requirements of a blog site, and offers a powerful user friend open source software. This allows users to really create as "little" or as "large" as they want. Anything from a simple template based blog site, to more fully pledged website. Catering for both web novices and experts alike, offering the option to form sites purely from user inserted HTML or a system built interface that deals with the html for the users (commonly known as a rich text editor)

Word Press has won a lot of fans with its easy to setup foundations, requiring no modifications, nor an immense knowledge of coding. This has made it an optimum choice for business' and users who wish to set-up a website without the professional help of web developers. So if you've got £500 or £1000 wordpress website design prices. Make sure it's not for setup of the site! It's a fifteen minute job.

It is vital however to remember that Word Press was founded and developed intentionally as a blog based platform, and this has both its advantages and disadvantages. It obviously is extremely effective for blogging, as both set-up and maintenance of a blog is all taken care for in a smart manner. However the addition of a more "open source" platform was a more recent addition, and still has its weaknesses. For example, as it was designed for the less educated in web development, it avoids the involvement of modifications, meaning if you attempt to add in such mods, it's likely to cause damage in your website, and primarily not work. A prime example of this is if a retail site tries to incorporate a "shopping cart" function to a site. This is vital to an online retail company, and it is not easy to accomplish, with far from impressive results.


    It is user friendly, and allows those with little web development and coding knowledge to make some impressive looking websites

    No need for modifications

    Can be accessed and hosted purely online


    Fundamentally designed as a blogging platform, and does have limitations

    Trying to add modifications give poor results, and can break the software


Affordable website design does not mean that you compromise on the quality front. If your website is not good in terms of quality, it is not going to be successful when it comes to search engine ranking and gaining traffic. For website design, you need to find a company that is willing to work on your website on the basis of your rate. Before you hire any company, you need to look at their client base and see what kind of strategies they adopt in designing a website.

Creative web design

In this day and age when the competition is so intense, creative web design is an absolute must if you want to attain success through your website. You may ask at this juncture: What is the role of creativity in the success of a website? The answer of this question lies in the fact that expectations of consumers have increased tremendously thanks to all the advancement that is being made in the technology front. If the look of your website does not excite your target audience, it is not going to be a success even if it is equipped with high quality content. With creative web design, you do not need to worry about such things.


With regard to budget, it is always a good idea to do not spend much in the initial stage. Once your website starts gaining traffic and you get to know about who your target audience are, that is the time when you need to invest on website design. If the initial response is not that good, it is a clear sign that something is wrong with the concept of your website.

The main benefit of wordpress website design is that installation is quite straightforward. Simply put, you do not need to use file transfer protocol at the time of uploading files to the server.Another good thing about this website design is that maintenance cost is not that high and customization is also quite simple. Once you are through the installation process, you are going to see a default template.When you opt for wordpress design, you do not need to worry about the fact that how search engines will react as the design is search engine friendly.

One of the basic SEO strategy that plays a significant part in the overall success of your website success is keyword research. Talking about keyword research, it is a routine in which SEO services London is going to identify what keywords individuals are searching when they use Google or MSN. Generally speaking, it is advisable that you opt for keywords where competition is not that much.

 They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If you're hitting a wall with your website design, you might just need to follow by example. You don't want to copy another website in this case, but simply to be inspired by their web design techniques, from innovative use of flash graphics to expert simplicity.

Read on for two of the most successful examples of commercial web design currently online. And be prepared to get inspired — these small business websites are impressive:

Sony Dash Launch Page

Creating a cool new product is great and all, but it's only the first step of a successful business venture — even if you're a big electronics manufacturer like Sony, a company that recently turned heads with its new handheld internet viewer, the Sony Dash. The second step? Website design.

Facilitating portable access to entertainment, information, and communication tools through an ever-expanding selection of apps, the Sony Dash is a definitely a neat find. But as humanity has already made it several millennia without such a product, the company needed to use web design to convince its visitors that the Dash was essential.

Enter the launch page: a flash-based, interactive display of the Dash's potential utility. The page allows users to travel to four locations: The Bedroom, The Kitchen, The Family Room, and World of Dash (i.e., the world), with each portal offering a compelling flash animation of different ways that the Dash can be used. Below the animation, Sony explains the Dash more precisely through static pictures and images.

Chrome Web Store

Search engine giant Google is known for its simplistic website design — just compare their homepage to those of competitors Yahoo! or Bing. So for the search engine's new Chrome Web Store, a showcase of the applications, extensions, and themes for Google's Chrome browser, the company maintained its minimalistic aesthetic.

The Chrome Store website design features a simple white background and primarily blue color scheme, with blue links and menu headers. It also includes a rotating banner, top center, showcasing some of the most popular downloads. The menus are well organized to display choice categories like the most popular paid downloads and the staff favorites, as well as filters to list the downloads by purpose and season.

Whether you're interested in creating a fancy flash website or a minimalistic website design based in HTML, the aforementioned small business websites should help you get started with your own design ideas. Remember that website design is relevant in a variety of forms, from Facebook welcome tabs to WordPress website design for blogging. Good luck!

 WordPress is a powerful tool that can be used to build an attractive and efficient blog or website that meets all your needs. WordPress offers hundreds of themes and plug-ins from its library, or users can make their own. A WordPress design gives your website a unique look that caters to your readers' interests. New users may not have the understanding necessary to create beautiful customised designs. You do not need to worry if you are not a WordPress designer because we can help. We can create a customised WordPress design for you, or move your existing website to WordPress, quickly and at an affordable price.

wordpress web design company

The benefits of a WordPress design outweigh those of any other website management platform. WordPress has a streamlined and easy to use interface that quickly allows users to change the look of hundreds of pages within their website or blog in just minutes. WordPress also offers plug-ins that provide interactive content and connect readers with social networking sites, which can be a valuable part of a company's marketing strategy. But even if you are just starting out in the world of blogging and websites, we can help. We can be your WordPress webdesigner, whether you operate a corporation or just a personal blog.

Our approach is to provide you with an excellent WordPress website design , customised to your specifications, but we provide additional services that another WordPress webdesigner may not provide. We offer search engine optimisation, statistics reporting and marketing. Rather than just having a great looking website, you need to make sure that readers can find your site. Merely publishing a site does not ensure the readers will follow.

Search engine optimisation, known as SEO, is critical to attracting readers. Search Engine Optimisation helps move your website up in the search engine rankings. If you have optimised your site, readers searching for a topic relevant to your site, will see you near or at the top of the search engine results. SEO is best left to an experienced WordPress web designer . Let us do the job to ensure a beautiful design and search engine success.


It is a website we setup just to show individuals how such a website can help them with their business or from just a fun perspective.

A blogging website can be used for sports activities and act somewhat like a nice forum for people to pass comments about todays match or that dubious referees decision.

You may want to pass information around about things that are happening within your business. Many web designers for example have blogs to discuss the latest software developments and trends within the industry, one that is constantly evolving.

Wordpress is great because there are many FREE widgets and addons for the platform as well as some paid ones.

Widget? A widget is an add-on that performs a (usually) single function, like a calendar for recording the days you posted items to your blog. There are literally thousands of these add-ons that can add nice features to your site.

Wordpress is fairly simple to install but working on the code does require very specific knowledge of php coding.

There are numerous free themes available but amending them may well be beyond the reach of ordinary folks, so you may have to accept some limitations.

If you want to get yourself off and running, we can do what is called 'SKIN DESIGN'. This is basically the 'skeleton' of the website. We do the design work on the look and then you find your own hosting and then use the 'theme' or 'skin' we have created. You then add your widgets in and away you go.

If you do need and help, please just get in touch with us. We'd be pleased to help you out.


Internet marketing is the future of marketing. Almost all companies around the world are starting internet marketing so as to grow faster. They are ensuring their space in the market of tomorrow and therefore investing a lot of money on their online operations. However internet marketing is not very costly. On internet, you can do ten times more marketing in the same cost as compared to offline marketing. But this marketing needs skill and knowledge. You need to make a good marketing strategy to attract your customers and then implement it to make your brand more popular. The first requirement for the establishment of your brand is its popularity. If people know about your brand, if they hear your brand's name, they recognize it.  

 To make your brand popular you need the support of search engines. An SEO company helps you to bring your brand's website on the first page of search engines. It promotes your brand online and makes it more popular among the online masses. It also handles your online marketing operations to make your brand more popular.  

 If your brand is visible on different online platforms, its rank on search engines automatically increases. An SEO company just enhances its visibility. You can get a number of customers through search engines. Almost all the brands are searched on search engines. People search for their needs on these search engines and then choose their brands from the list displayed.  

 To start your online operations, you should first increase your knowledge about the latest technology. Your first requirement for online marketing is your brand's website. Today the PHP websites are outdated. Most of the companies are getting their websites prepared in Wordpress. A wordpress website is easier to maintain. It is interactive and provides better space for manipulations. You can yourself maintain it without the need of an operator.  

 You can get your wordpress website designed by the same company that you hire for your search engine operations. You can start initial operations with a simple and small website and by and by you can make it more attractive. After entering the online market, you'll learn many new things. You will learn how to attract more customers.  

 Through continuous marketing efforts, you'll soon realize the ways for a better online marketing. However if you take the help and support of a professional SEO company you can rise faster.  


Web designing is the integral part and plays a very vital role in a functioning and looks of the website. Without a good web design a website will never progress as users always search for a website which is user friendly and easy to read and understand. Web designing involves the work of web designers who create beautiful and amazing designs which is based on a specific theme.

Apart from website designing there are lots of websites which also provides website development services USA, search engine optimization service USA and pay per click (ppc) service USA.

They create a very good design and development service for the website. The website designing is of different types like flash website design usa, joomla website designing, drupel website designing and wordpress website designing etc. Most of the people prefer to have flash website design as it attracts the users and looks attractive. Now you can outsource website designing service other company as there are many reputed companies which provides website designing and development service at affordable prices. You can have as any pages designed as you want in your website. But make sure that your website should reflect the theme and products or services you offer to the customers.

Design is the main thing which reflects the identity of the company, without an appropriate web design you will never search or browse any website. It is the professional design which always attracts the potential customers. Now day's companies outsource their work of web designing which fulfills their requirements of the website. You may be in a need to have a website customized as well according to your requirement.

For any website designing planning and setting your budget is very important as all types of prices for website designing is available in the market. You can just send your request and needs to get your website revamped or redesign in order to serve your customers in a better and user friendly way.

Website designing companies in USA has emerged to provide designing services to both small and medium scale businesses.  The professionals in website designing can only be created by professional designers who have great hand in designing of the website.

Web design should include the following two points:-

User friendly - The website should be easy to navigate and everything should be easily searched in the website.

Website structure – the website should be linked properly to the internal pages and there should be proper breadcrumb so that a user easily remembers the path.

If a website is designed well it will attract more and more users itself and the traffic will automatically increase. For website designing you can outsource this service to a USA based web designing service as they are professionals in website designing and development.