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My splendid blog 8060
Wednesday, 31 July 2019

It may be hard to believe now but it was only five years ago that the test footage for Deadpool mysteriously made its way online. In the words of Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman this week, Marvel is smarter than you think they are,” and if they are that smart, they likely won't introduce two entirely different means Marvel Phase 4 to create superpowered beings into the MCU within months or even weeks of one another.

Now that we've had a few days to let the excitement of Marvel's Phase 4 announcement settle down -and get a little rest from all the adventures of San Diego Comic-Con - we've sat down and come up with a list of the movies that were missing from Marvel Studios Phase 4 announcement, as well as missing from suggestion that they'd be coming in Phase 5, that we really thought we'd hear something about.


Clearly, it was a good idea that that someone did, as the Marvel mutant has successfully starred in two R-rated films with fans eagerly awaiting any news regarding a third instalment. Still, in terms of February 2021 release speculation, Black Panther 2 is as good a guess as any.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige did say in February that the company wanted writer-director Ryan Coogler to return for the sequel. Thanos killed off most of the MCU at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, which is why none of these scheduled movies have names attached.

This line up with Marvel's confirmed 2021 releases in February, May, and November: there is a clear landing spot for Spider-Man 3 in July, which is why we've been predicting a 2021 release for the trilogy capper. With all of the massive news that came out of San Diego Comic-Con it might have been easy to miss that one of the most exciting and largest genre festivals in the world is currently taking place in Montreal.

Posted by waylonjyme352 at 1:29 AM EDT
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