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Watch Transformers 3 Movies 2011 HQ

Should you are convinced that the death of the Fallen ends all the things, think one more time. Megatron and Starship have managed to make it in the last Transformers movie. With them still alive, somebody may still consider the lead to stop the Autobots. If then, get ready to take sides on the last battle of the Autobots and Decepticons on Tansformers 3: Dark of the Moon. If you think you can not watch it on its official release, you could watch Transformers 3 online. Not much has been published concerning the story of Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon to keep the thrilling excitment of Transformers followers. Though you don't have official release to date, the story can be looked at on the two trailers.

In the mid 1969, mankind got an opportunity to touch the moon. While in those days, the whole nation was enjoying about the spaceship's successful trip and was thrilled to have a view of the moon's surface with the transmissions given by Apollo 11, but there were much more to view than that. Over the exploration, astronauts discovered a destroyed spaceship. It wasn't very clear to whom the spaceship belongs, however trailer revealed a new character, Sentinel Prime.

The spacecraft was learned to owned by a Cybetronian. Sam was directed to keep up the revelation a topmost secret or else treason will acted upon him. The Autobots quickly found out about this and were disappointed. As they defined, they have unveiled almost everything about them as well as their planet, but they kept this revelation a top secret.

Over the next scenes of the Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon, the Decepticons are again fighting the humanity. They should have also learned about the Cybertorian spacecraft and have to race the Autobots to it.

Watch Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon

Transformers fanatics had been very unhappy with the Dark of the Moon story. In one scene of the movie trailer, one of the casts enquired, "What do we do if they take on the planet? " followed by, "I'm sorry but it's over. " There seems to be a trace that the Autobots might finally get away from the human beings when Optimus Prime said, "From here, the struggle will be your own. "

Though not clear exactly what is in the Cybertorian spacecraft, the Autobots sure are after it as there has to be something with it that will put a stop to the war. As claimed by one audience of the second trailer, the Autobots are most likely travelling to The Ark (the Cybertorian spaceship) since it would be the key for the end of the war, however in order to go there and do the mission, they have to get out of the human beings.

You might be probably excited now to discover the next sequel of Transformers movie, but again, in case you can not watch it on its premier night, you can watch Transformers 3 online instead. If you would like figure out what really is with that Cybertorian spacecraft, better not skip this movie! You will never know? This might be the last Transformer movie! Don't even dare miss the Autobot's farewell.