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Domestic Violence Bail Bonds / Arrests / Punishments – Placer County Bail Bonds or Auburn Bail Bonds

California Domestic Violence & Spousal Abuse Bail Bonds. PC 273.5 (a), PC 243 (e)(1)

According to California law, domestic violence (sometimes called domestic abuse or intimate partner abuse) means causing or attempting to cause bodily injury, and/or sexual assault against a spouse, a former spouse, a person you are dating, a person with whom you are living, a person with whom you used to live and/or a person with whom you had a child. Domestic violence can involve physical injury, or domestic violence can occur merely by threatening words.


Your significant other does not decide whether or not to press charges in a domestic violence case in California. Once the police are involved in the domestic violence situation, you and your significant other no longer have the choice of whether or not to prosecute. The decision of whether or not to file criminal charges in a domestic violence case is up to the prosecutor alone. He or she will decide whether or not to bring the domestic violence charge. It is incorrect to believe that the domestic violence victim has the power to press charges or not; once law enforcement is involved, it is out of their hands.


If it's up to the prosecutor, what can you do to help your case? Bail Out of Jail. Placer County Bail Bonds and Auburn Bails Bondsman can help you with fast, confidential and discreet service. Usually, when a bail bond has been posted at the Placer County Jail, what happens is that you will receive an arraignment date to appear about 30 days after your initial arrest.  This allows you time to hire an attorney (if warranted), and go into court on your own for the arraignment date instead of appearing in custody in an orange jail jumpsuit with all the other inmates. 


Call us today to discuss your options.  We are directly across from the Placer County Jail and offer 24 hour Placer County Bail Bonds services and Auburn Bail Bonds Service. The paperwork takes about 10 minutes. You can come to our office or we can even complete the entire bail bonds process via phone and email or fax.



In California there are certain crimes which can be charged as domestic violence the most common are:


•             Penal Code section 273.5, or Infliction of Corporal Injury on a Spouse or Cohabitant can be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor. In order for the prosecutor to prove that a person violated Penal Code section 273.5 the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:

•             The victim was a spouse or cohabitant (usually a dating relationship)

•             That the defendant inflicted or caused a corporal injury or an injury that left some type of mark (no matter how slight) on the victim.

•             Penal Code section 422 or Terrorist Threats or Threats of Violence

•             In order for there to be a conviction the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant:

•             Threatened the victim with immediate physical harm and was capable of carrying it out and

•             The victim was afraid that the threat would be carried out.

•             Be careful a violation of Penal Code section 422 if charged as a felony is a Strike under the three strikes law.


Other crimes that can occur in a domestic violence setting are dissuading a witness from testifying; vandalism; and false imprisonment.  Additionally, criminal protective orders are generally issued once someone is arrested. If those orders are violated, new charges including violations of Penal Code sections 273.6 and 166 can follow.


What is the punishment for a Domestic Violence conviction?

•             Like all things in life, the punishment for a crime of domestic violence varies; however the most significant fact is the nature and degree of the injury and whether the person has a criminal history.

•             If there is a serious injury alleged, contact an experienced attorney fast as real jail time, including potential prison, may result.

•             If the injury is minor and this is the first offense involving domestic violence, then the sentence may potentially be an alternative sentence other than actual jail.


Because of relatively new legislation, the courts are generally bound to order the following:


•             Formal probation for at least 1 year even for misdemeanors

•             You will have a probation officer

•             You will not be permitted to leave the county of your residence without permission

•             You must submit to search of your personal and effects with or without a warrant

•             You may be ordered to undergo alcohol or drug testing and counseling

•             Attend and complete 52 Anger Management Classes

•             Complete 40 hours of Community Service

•             Maintain gainful employment

•             Restitution ordered to the victim

•             Payment of a fine

•             Potential Jail time

•             Not own or possess firearms for life

•             Obey any court orders, usually protective orders


Bail Bonds Placer County and Bail Bonds Auburn


Our office is located directly across from the Placer County Jail.  Our agents at Frank Calabretta’s Bail House Bail Bonds are available 24 hours a day to provide you with fast bailsbonds service.

Because of our convenient office location directly across from Placer County Jail we are able to provide you with superior service compared to others offering Nationwide Service that may not be local and do not understand the local court and jail system.